The Structure of the Denmark Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) Report
The report structure is based on the SAF-T standard format by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The report has the following sections:
Header: General information about the company and the audit file, name and version of the software product, and selection criteria.
Master Files: Information about general ledger account, suppliers, customers, products and tax rate tables.
General Ledger Entries: Information about accounting transactions: journal entries and details of the posting transactions.
Source Documents: Invoices and transaction details during the selection period.
All the fields marked as Optional are not included in the generated report in the current version of the Denmark Tax Reports.
All the Address fields only include the first line of the address. The Number field of the address is always empty.
The Period Year reported in GL Entries corresponds to the year of the period's end date (in case the start date and end date fall in different calendar years).