Source Documents
Sales Invoices
XML Element |
Description |
Requirement |
NumberOfEntries |
Number of entries |
Required |
TotalDebit |
The total of all debit amounts in the header's default currency |
Required |
TotalCredit |
The total of all credit amounts in the header's default currency |
Required |
Invoice |
Information about sales invoice |
Required |
Invoice Structure
Requirement |
InvoiceNo |
Reference to the invoice number from one or more consecutive number series. |
Required |
CustomerInfo or SupplierInfo |
Information about the customer or supplier |
Optional |
AccountID |
General Ledger Account code of the customer or supplier |
Optional |
BranchStoreNumber |
Branch or store number, additional segregation of customer/supplier. It is used if it's not included as part of the customer/supplier ID. |
Optional |
Period |
Accounting period |
Optional |
PeriodYear |
The accounting year in which the Period Start falls. Only values from 1970 to 2100 are accepted |
Optional |
InvoiceDate |
Date of issuing the invoice |
Required |
InvoiceType |
Type of invoice: Debit invoice, Credit invoice, Cash, Ticket, etc. |
Required |
ShipTo |
Ship to details |
Optional |
ShipFrom |
Ship from details |
Optional |
PaymentTerms |
Payment terms of the invoice |
Optional |
SelfBillingIndicator |
Indicator showing if self-billing is used for the invoice |
Optional |
SourceID |
Details of person or application that entered the transaction |
Optional |
GLPostingDate |
Posting date to GL |
Required |
BatchID |
Systems generated ID for the batch |
Optional |
SystemID |
Unique number created by the system for the document |
Optional |
TransactionID |
Cross-reference to GL posting |
Optional |
ReceiptNumbers |
The number(s) of the receipt(s) on the consolidated invoice record. Can be a single number, a range or a list. |
Optional |
Line |
Line details of the invoice. |
Required |
Settlement |
Description Settlement/Other Discount. |
Optional |
DocumentTotals |
LineNumber |
Number of the invoice line |
Required |
AccountID |
General Ledger Account code of the GLrevenue-account. |
Optional |
Analysis |
General Ledger analysis codes |
Optional |
OrderReferences |
Relevant order references |
Optional |
ShipTo |
Ship to details |
Optional |
ShipFrom |
Ship from details |
Optional |
GoodsServicesID |
Indicator showing if goods or service |
Required |
ProductCode |
Product code |
Optional |
ProductDescription |
ProductDescription |
Optional |
Delivery |
Information about the date or time frame of the delivery of the goods or services |
Optional |
Quantity |
Quantity of goods and services supplied |
Optional |
InvoiceUOM |
Quantity unit of measure for example pack of 12 |
Optional |
UOMToUOMBaseConversionFactor |
Conversion factor of the InvoiceUOM to UOM Base. Only needed when InvoiceUOM is reported and is different from the UOM Base. |
Optional |
UnitPrice |
Unit price for the unit/group of units per UOM in the header's default currency |
Required |
InvoiceDate |
Date of issuing the invoice |
Optional in PDF Required in XSD |
References |
Credit Note references |
Optional |
Description |
Description of Invoice Line |
Required |
InvoiceLineAmount |
Amount for transaction excluding taxes and freight charges |
Required |
DebitCreditIndicator |
Indicates whether the amounts on line level are debit or credit amounts. The entry must correspond to entry reflected in General Ledger Entry. Signing of line amounts is relative to this indicator. For example a return can lead to a negative amount. Choose D(Debit) or C(Credit). |
Required |
ShippingCostsAmount |
Amount for shipping/freight charges |
Optional |
TaxInformation |
CustomerID or Name |
Unique code or name of the customer |
Required |
BillingAddress |
Billing address of the customer |
Required |
SupplierID or Name |
Unique code or name of the supplier |
Required |
BillingAddress |
Billing address of the supplier |
Required |
TaxInformationTotals |
Control totals tax payable information |
Optional |
ShippingCostsAmountTotal |
Control total amount freight charges |
Optional |
NetTotal |
Control total sales value excluding tax and shipping costs |
Required |
GrossTotal |
Control total amount including tax and shipping costs. |
Required |
Tax Information Structure
Requirement |
TaxType |
Tax type for look-up in tables. Fixed value: VAT |
Optional |
TaxCode |
Tax Code for look-up in tables |
Optional |
StandardTaxCode |
Standard tax code from the joint public chart of accounts |
Optional |
StandardTaxCodeDescription |
Standard tax code description from the joint public chart of accounts |
Optional |
Country |
Two-letter country code according to ISO 3166-1 alpha 2 standard |
Optional |
TaxPercentage |
Tax percentage |
Optional |
TaxBase |
The base for the tax calculation. This can be an amount, or a quantity. |
Optional |
TaxBaseDescription |
Description of the value in the Tax Base (for example, Liters) for excises on alcoholic beverages |
Optional |
TaxAmount |
Tax amount information |
Required |
TaxExemptionReason |
Tax exemption or reduction reason or rationale |
Optional |
TaxDeclarationPeriod |
The identification of the declaration/return in which the tax amount is reported to the Revenue body |
Optional |
Information about received or perfomed payments.
NumberOfEntries |
Number of entries |
Required |
TotalDebit |
The total of all debit amounts in the header's default currency |
Required |
TotalCredit |
The total of all credit amounts in the header's default currency |
Required |
Payment |
Information about payment details |
Required |
Information about payment details.
PaymentRefNo |
Unique reference number for the payment |
Required |
Period |
Accounting Period. |
Required |
PeriodYear |
The year of the accounting period. |
Required |
TransactionID |
Cross-reference to GL posting |
Optional |
TransactionDate |
Document date |
Required |
PaymentMethod |
Cheque, Bank, Giro, Cash, etc. |
Required |
Description |
Description of the payment |
Required |
BatchID |
Systems generated ID for the batch |
Optional |
SystemID |
Unique number created by the system for the document. |
Optional |
SourceID |
Details of a person or application that entered the transaction |
Optional |
Line |
Payment line(s) |
Required |
Settlement |
Information settlement details, for example, amount, date. |
Optional |
DocumentTotals |
Information about total amount paid in payment. |
Optional |
(Payment) Line
Payment line(s).
LineNumber |
Number of the payment line |
Optional |
SourceDocumentID |
The source document to which the line relates |
Optional |
AccountID |
General Ledger Account code |
Optional |
Analysis |
General Ledger analysis code |
Optional |
CustomerID |
Unique code of the customer |
Optional |
SupplierID |
Unique code of the supplier |
Optional |
TaxPointDate |
The tax point date if recorded; otherwise, the invoice date. |
Optional |
Description |
Description of the payment line. |
Optional |
DebitCreditIndicator |
Indicates whether the amounts at the line level are debit or credit amounts. The entry must correspond to the entry reflected in the general ledger. The sign of line amounts is relative to this indicator. For example, a return may result in a negative amount. |
Required |
PaymentLineAmount |
Amount for the transaction excluding taxes |
Required |
TaxInformation |
Details on the tax information per payment line. |
Optional |
(Payment) Settlement
Information settlement details, for example amount, date etc
SettlementDiscount |
Description Settlement/Other Discount |
Optional |
SettlementAmount |
Settlement amount |
Optional |
SettlementDate |
Date settled |
Optional |
PaymentMechanism |
Payment mechanism |
Optional |
(Payment) Document Totals
Information about total amount paid in payment.
TaxInformationTotals |
Control totals for tax payable information. The Tax Base and Tax Amount are summarized per Tax Type or Tax Code. |
Optional |
NetTotal |
Total amount excluding tax in the header's default currency |
Optional |
GrossTotal |
Total amount including tax in the header's default currency |
Required |