General Ledger Entries
General Ledger Entries Totals
XML Element |
Description |
Requirement |
NumberOfEntries |
The total number of transaction entries (accounting documents/vouchers) from all journals included in the audit file |
Required |
TotalDebit |
Total debit amount for all transaction entries in the header's default currency. |
Required |
TotalCredit |
Total credit amount for all transaction entries in the header's default currency. |
Required |
XML Element |
Description |
Requirement |
JournalID |
Source GL journal identifier, or invoices and payments in single ledger systems. |
Required |
Description |
Description of the journal |
Required |
Type |
Grouping mechanism for journals |
Required |
Transaction |
Accounting transactions |
Optional |
XML Element |
Description |
Requirement |
TransactionID |
The number/ID of the accounting document/voucher |
Required |
Period |
Accounting period |
Required |
PeriodYear |
The year of the accounting period |
Required |
TransactionDate |
The date of the accounting document/voucher |
Required |
SourceID |
Details of a person or application that entered the transaction |
Optional |
TransactionType |
Type of journal transactions: normal, (automated) periodically, etc. |
Optional |
Description |
Description of journal transaction |
Required |
BatchID |
Systems generated ID for the batch |
Optional |
SystemEntryDate |
Date captured by the system. The date when the transaction was entered into the system (manual entry, imported transaction, etc.). If this date is not available in your system, use the Transaction Date. |
Required |
GLPostingDate |
Date of posting to the general ledger account. The date when the transaction was updated in the database. If this date is not available in your system, use the Transaction Date. |
Required |
CustomerID |
Unique code of the customer. |
Optional |
SupplierID |
Unique code of the supplier |
Optional |
SystemID |
Unique ID/number created by the system for the accounting document/voucher |
Optional |
Line |
Transaction lines |
Required |
RecordID |
Identifier to trace entry to journal line or posting reference |
Required |
AccountID |
General ledger account code/number. If this line is a ledger or sub-account (accounts payable or accounts receivable) entry, then this is the account code/number into which the ledger or sub-account is consolidated. |
Required |
Analysis |
General ledger analysis codes |
Optional |
ValueDate |
Effective date from which interest is charged. It should be reported if it differs from the Transaction Date. |
Optional |
SourceDocumentID |
Source document number to which the line relates. |
Optional |
CustomerID |
Unique account code/number of the customer. |
Optional |
SupplierID |
Unique account code/number of the supplier |
Optional |
Description |
Description of the Journal Line |
Required |
DebitAmount or Credit Amount |
Debit or credit amount of the transaction |
Required |
TaxInformation |
Tax information for the accounting line |
Optional |
Amount |
Amount in the header’s default currency |
Required |
CurrencyCode |
Three-letter currency code according to ISO 4217 standard |
Required |
CurrencyAmount |
Amount in foreign currency |
Required |
ExchangeRate |
The exchange rate used |
Optional |