XML Element |
Description |
Requirement |
AuditFileVersion |
Version of the audit file |
Required |
Audit FileCountry |
Two-letter country code according to ISO3166-1 alpha 2 standard |
Required |
Audit File Region |
Region code according to ISO3166-1 alpha 2 standard |
Required |
AuditFileDateCreated |
Creation date of the audit file |
Required |
SoftwareCompanyName |
Name of the software company whose product generated the audit file |
Required |
SoftwareID |
Name of the software that generated the audit file |
Required |
SoftwareVersion |
Version of the software that generated the audit file |
Required |
Company |
Company’s name and address details |
Required |
DefaultCurrencyCode |
Three-letter Currency Code (ISO 4217) of the local currency that is the default one for the audit file |
Required |
SelectionCriteria |
Criteria set by the user to populate the audit files |
Required |
HeaderComment |
Space for any further generic comments on the audit file |
Optional |
TaxAccountingBasis |
Type of data in the audit file: Invoice Accounting, Cash Accounting, Delivery, etc. |
Optional |
TaxEntity |
Company, Division, or Branch reference |
Required |
UserID |
ID of the user that generated the audit file |
Optional |