Resolving Errors in Submitting SII Reports to AEAT

The following table lists possible error situations that occur when the Spain Localization SuiteApp cannot submit your SII reports to AEAT, and suggests solutions for these problems.

NetSuite Error Message

Suggested Solution

Your generated report contains one or more invalid transaction IDs that no longer exist in NetSuite. Please generate the report again. For more information, review the notification sent to your email address.

If this error occurs, it means that you have deleted some transactions after you generated your SII report. Because submitting reports with deleted transactions is not allowed, you must generate your report again before submitting it.

To see which transaction IDs no longer exist, read the email notification sent to you after this submission failure occurs.

Your subsidiary's digital certificate is invalid. Go to Setup > Company > Certificate and select a valid digital certificate.

If this error occurs, verify the digital certificate assigned to your subsidiary. If needed, create a new digital certificate and assign it to your Spanish subsidiary. For more information, see Prerequisites for Submitting SII Reports to AEAT.

Banner shows an error message raised by the tax agency after the unsuccessful report submission.

In this case, the error message is sourced directly from AEAT, and you should follow the instructions provided in that message.

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