Prerequisites for Submitting SII Reports to AEAT

Before you submit your SII reports to AEAT, you must do the following:



1. Create a digital certificate and assign it to your Spanish subsidiary

To create a digital certificate:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Certificates.

  2. Click Create New.

  3. In the new window:

    • On the Details subtab, fill your name and ID (script).

    • On the Files subtab, upload your certificate file and select a password.

    • On the Audience subtab, select one or more subsidiaries that will have access to the certificate.

  4. Click Save.

To assign a digital certificate to your Spanish subsidiary:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.

  2. In the list, find your Spanish subsidiary and click Edit.

  3. Check the Enable SII box on the Spain Localization subtab. Skip this step if the box is already checked.

  4. In the Digital Certificate list, select a digital certificate.


    The certificates shown in this list reflect the audience that you set when you created the certificates.

  5. Click Save.

2. Assign the Tax Filing permission to your preferred role(s)

To assign the Tax Filing permission:

  1. Go to Setup > Tax Reporting > Manage Tax Reporting Framework Roles.

  2. Click Edit next to the role that you want to grant the permission to.

  3. In the Tax Filing permission row, select the level Full.

  4. Click Save.

3. Assign the ES SII Configuration role to the users who will be responsible for scheduling


This is a prerequisite only for the automated submission of SII reports. If you only plan to submit your reports manually, you can ignore this step.

To assign the ES SII Configuration role:

  1. Using your Administrator role, go to Setup > Tax Reporting > Manage Tax Reporting Framework Roles.

  2. Click Assign Tax Reporting Framework Permissions to Role.

  3. In the Role list, select ES SII Configuration.

  4. In the Country Tax Report and Country Tax Reports Preferences permission rows, select the level Full.

  5. Click Save.

After you complete the procedure above, assign this new role to the users who will be responsible for the automation scheduling. For more information, see Assigning Roles to an Employee.

General Notices