Generating Spain VAT Reports in the Spain Localization SuiteApp


To access the Spain Localization SuiteApp documentation in Spanish of Spain (español de España), see Spain Localization.

This section details the process of generating Spain VAT reports provided by the Spain Localization SuiteApp. The reports are generated on the Country Tax Report page provided by the Tax Reporting Framework SuiteApp. Follow the procedure below to generate the following Spain VAT reports:

Before the generation, verify that the reporting frequency for Modelo 303 and Modelo 349 reports is set correctly. For more information, see Setting the Reporting Frequency for Spain VAT Reports.


Remember that the sourcing of boxes and fields in these reports is already configured for you. For that reason, you cannot manually change these configurations.

To Generate a Spain VAT Report:

  1. For roles that use the accounting center and classic center, go to Reports > Spain Reports > Country Tax Reports.

    For roles that use other types of centers, go to Reports > Tax > Country Tax Reports.

  2. In the Subsidiary field, select the name of your Spain subsidiary or parent company for which you want to generate the report.

    You can only select one subsidiary for every file-generating action.


    Remember that if the Multi-Book Accounting features are enabled in your account, your generated Spain-specific reports only source information from the primary book of your selected subsidiary. This is true for all reports provided by the Spain Localization SuiteApp.

  3. If your selected subsidiary ties to more than one nexuses, select Spain in the Nexus field. For subsidiaries only tied to the nexus Spain, this field is preset.

  4. In the Report Name field, select the report that you want to generate.


    If it is your first time using the Spain Localization SuiteApp, you should configure the following reports before generation:


    If you generate one of the SII reports, first set the required fields on the SII Reporting subtab of the transaction record. For more information, see SII – Transaction Record Information.


    For the SII report generation:

    • Select Registration report types if:

      • It is your first time generating the SII report for this date range and the SII reporting status of your transaction is Pending Submission.

      • The SII reporting status of your previous submission is Rejected.

    • Select Correction report types if the SII reporting status of your previous submission is:

      • Partially Correct.

      • Rejected After Resubmission.

      • Pending Correction.

    For more information, see SII – AEAT Response.

    • For the following reports, set the Start Period field. If you are generating a report that allows for a prior configuration, make sure you select the same period:

      • For VAT Modelo 303, select a quarter or a month.

      • For VAT Modelo 349, select a quarter or a month.

      • For VAT Modelo 390, select a fiscal year.

      The End Period field is set automatically.

    • For the following reports, set the Start Date field:

      • SII – Registration: Issued Invoice

      • SII – Correction: Issued Invoice

      • SII – Registration: Received Invoice

      • SII – Correction: Received Invoice

      The End Date field is automatically set to the last day of the selected month.


      The report generation process retrieves transactions based on the considered date field value that falls within your selected date range.

      • For the Issued Invoices reports, the Date field on the transaction record is considered.

      • For the Received Invoices reports, the Accounting Registration Date field on the SII Reporting subtab is considered.

  5. Click Generate.

    Generating the file may take a few minutes.

  6. On the Report Execution Log subtab, locate the generated report. The latest generated report is displayed at the top of the list.

  7. In the View/Download column, wait for the loading bar to complete and change to a View/Download link.

    If the report covers a long period, the report generation may take a few minutes to complete. You will be notified by email when the report becomes available for viewing.

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