SII – Immediate Supply of Information


To access the Spain Localization SuiteApp documentation in Spanish of Spain (español de España), see Spain Localization.

The Spain Localization SuiteApp enables you to generate the SII (Suministro Inmediato de Información) reports. The report generation process prepares your accounting data for manual submission to the Spanish Tax Administration Agency. For more information about SII report generation, see Generating Spain VAT Reports in the Spain Localization SuiteApp.

The SII report generation process converts your accounting data into the required XML reporting format. After a successful generation, you can:

If you are required to report SII or you report it voluntarily, you should enable the SII in your account. For more information about SII, see the sections below.

Enabling SII in Your Account

To be able to use this feature, follow the procedure below to enable it for your subsidiary. Enabling SII is only possible for subsidiaries whose country is set to Spain. For more information, see Setting Spain as the Country of Your Subsidiary.

To enable SII for your subsidiary:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Subsidiaries.

  2. In the list, find your Spanish subsidiary and click Edit.

  3. Check the Enable SII box on the Spain Localization subtab.

  4. Click Save.

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