Submitting Purchase Orders to Trading Partners

The SuiteProcurement SuiteApp automatically submits approved purchase orders to trading partners. If the submission is successful, the Submitted to Trading Partner box on the SuiteProcurement Transactions subtab is checked. You cannot edit the box.

If the submission fails, there are two ways to identify an erroneous purchase order:

Some of the possible reasons of error include incorrect or missing EIN, incorrect OBN credentials, or incorrect document setup on OBN.

Resending Purchase Orders with Failed Submissions

If you have the Administrator role, you can resend the erroneous purchase orders. The Resend Approved PO to Trading Partner script lets you resend the failed purchase orders. This script processes failed purchase orders from past seven days.

To review and resend failed purchase orders:

  1. Log in to NetSuite using the Administrator role.

  2. Go to Customization > Scripting > Scripts.

  3. Locate the Resend Approved PO to Trading Partner script.

  4. Click Deployments.

  5. Click Edit next to any of the deployment record.

  6. Click the Parameters subtab.

  7. Perform the following step only if you want to resend a particular purchase order.

    1. From the Purchase Order for OBN Punchout list, select the purchase order that you want to resend.

  8. Click Save and Execute.

When a purchase order is submitted, trading partner sends order confirmation details, shipment details, and bill. For more information, see Receiving Documents from Trading Partners.

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