SuiteProcurement Roles and Permissions
If you have the Administrator role, you can set up, install, and work with the SuiteProcurement SuiteApp, and also run scripts.
If you have the employee center role, you can work with the SuiteApp.
To enable your custom roles to access the SuiteProcurement Stores portlet and create purchase orders, ensure that the roles have the required permissions to custom records.
The following table lists the custom records and the required permission levels.
Custom Record Permissions
Custom Record |
Level |
NSEB OBN Basic Auth Details |
View |
OBN Trading Partner Category Details |
View |
SP Category Mapping |
View |
SP Purchase Transaction Data |
Edit |
SuiteProcurement OBN Account Type |
View |
SuiteProcurement OBN Communication |
Edit |
SuiteProcurement OBN Response Details |
Edit |
SuiteProcurement PO Ack Data |
Create |
SuiteProcurement Ship Notice Data |
View |
SuiteProcurement Subsidiary Preferences |
View |
SuiteProcurement Trading Partner |
View |
In addition, provide Inventory Status permission to custom roles to receive items or create item receipts. To provide the Inventory Status permission, go to Setup > Users/Roles > Manage Roles.
On the Permissions subtab, under Lists, set the Inventory Status permission to View.
After assigning the required permissions, provide access to the following:
Deployment records
Purchase Order Acknowledgment Details
SuiteProcurement Stores
Shipment Details
Providing Access to SuiteProcurement Stores and Documents
To provide your custom roles with access to SuiteProcurement stores and documents from trading partners, complete the following steps:
Purchase Order Acknowledgment Details
SuiteProcurement Stores
Shipment Details
To provide access to SuiteProcurement stores and documents:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Single Page Applications.
Click the link to the page that you want to provide access to.
Click the Configuration subtab.
In the Release Audience section, click Set Up Audience.
Check the boxes of the roles that you want to add.
Click Save.
Providing Access to Deployment Records
The following table lists the script deployments included with the SuiteProcurement SuiteApp.
To provide your custom roles with the access to the script deployment records, complete the following steps.
Script ID |
Deployment |
customscript_sp_sl_create_item_receipt |
customdeploy_sp_sl_create_item_receipt |
customscript_sp_ue_supplier_category |
customdeploy_sp_ue_supplier_category |
customscript_sp_sl_enable_allow_exp_pref |
customdeploy_sp_sl_enable_allow_exp_pref |
customscript_sp_sl_punchout_po_to_obn |
customdeploy_sp_sl_punchout_po_to_obn |
customscript_sp_cs_vendor_details |
customdeploy_sp_cs_vendor_details |
customscript_sp_ue_vendor_details |
customdeploy_sp_ue_vendor_details |
customscript_sp_pl_stores_punchout |
customdeploy_sp_pl_stores_punchout |
customscript_sp_sl_get_supplier_site_url |
customdeploy_sp_sl_get_supplier_site_url |
customscript_sp_sl_approve_vendor_bills |
customdeploy_sp_sl_approve_vendor_bills |
To provide access to deployment records:
Go to Customization > Scripting > Script Deployments.
Locate the deployment record and click Edit.
Click the Audience subtab.
From the Roles list, select the custom role that you want to give access to the deployment record.
Click Save.