Brazil Reports Setup
To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.
Before you start generating reports for Brazil, you may have to set up records or preferences that NetSuite provides for specific business scenarios.
If your company generates reports that require you to include account information, set up your accounts.
For more information, see Setting Up Accounts to Appear in Reports for Brazil.
If your company uses cost centers, you can include this information in your reports for Brazil.
For more information, see Cost Centers in Reports for Brazil.
If you generate EFD ICMS IPI files and your subsidiary manufactures goods or is comparable to a manufacturer, set the subsidiary as a manufacturer.
For more information, see Setting the Subsidiary Classification for Manufacturing for Brazil.
If you withhold PIS and COFINS on services, set up the nature of the withholding at source for customers involved in service transactions.
For more information, see Setting Up the Nature of the Withholding at Source for Customers.
If you classify the items included in the EFD report according with the SPED system, set up the item records.
For more information, see Associating SPED EFD Types with Items.
If you want to include different ICMS and FCP tax rates in SPED reports, edit the predefined ICMS intrastate tax rate for records.
For more information, see Adjusting the ICMS Intrastate Tax Rate for SPED Reports.
If state tax authorities require you to provide annotations on the collection of the ICMS tax, define ICMS posting notes.
For more information, see Defining ICMS Posting Notes.
If you want to generate SPED reports using a file layout that you created, associate the file layout with a SPED file type.
For more information, see Associating File Layouts with SPED File Types.
If you want to generate and send the EFD-Reinf, do the following:
Create e-document templates for EFD-Reinf events.
For more information, see Creating E-Document Templates for EFD-Reinf Events.
Set up the EFD-Reinf tax authority.
For more information, see Setting Up the EFD-Reinf Tax Authority.