Associating SPED EFD Types with Items
To access the Brazil Reports documentation in Brazilian Portuguese (Português do Brasil), see Brazil Reports.
Brazil Reports enables you to classify the items included in the Escrituração Fiscal Digital (EFD) report according to the Sistema Público de Escrituração Digital (SPED) system.
You can associate SPED EFD types with item records subject to the ICMS and IPI taxes. The SPED EFD type field appears for the following types of item records:
Assembly item
Inventory item
Item Group
Lot Numbered
Non-inventory item
To associate SPED EFD types with items:
Go to Lists > Accounting > Items.
Click Edit next to the item you want.
In the SPED EFD Type field, select the type of the item according to the classification defined by the SPED.
Click Save.
Related Topics
- Brazil Reports Setup
- Setting Up Accounts to Appear in Reports for Brazil
- Cost Centers in Reports for Brazil
- Setting the Subsidiary Classification for Manufacturing for Brazil
- Setting Up the Nature of the Withholding at Source for Customers
- Adjusting the ICMS Intrastate Tax Rate for SPED Reports
- Defining ICMS Posting Notes
- Associating File Layouts with SPED File Types
- Creating E-Document Templates for EFD-Reinf Events
- Setting Up the EFD-Reinf Tax Authority