Label Printing

NetSuite Manufacturing Mobile enables you to print labels for produced inventory. You can print labels for inventory items, WIP work orders, Serial, and Lot Assembly items.

To set up label printing:

  1. Go to Setup > Custom > Mobile–Settings.

  2. In the Mobile – Settings page, check the Enable Mobile Printing box.

  3. In the Enable for These Apps Only field, select Manufacturing Mobile.

  4. Click Save.

    To learn more, see Configuring Mobile App Settings.

To set up item level printing:

  1. Go to Manufacturing Mobile > Administration/Setup > Item Level Print Preferences.

  2. To remove all references to this record from your account, check the Inactive box.

  3. Select the Assembly item that requires a label.

  4. Enter the number of Copies to be printed.

  5. To print labels for each item without a defined number, check the Bulk Printing box.

  6. To use a print template to print during intermediate operation steps for WIP work orders, select an Intermediate Template.

  7. To use a print template to print at the final operation step for WIP or non–work orders, select an Final Template.

  8. Click Save.

To define print preferences by item process group or family:

  1. Go to Setup > User/Roles > Manage Roles.

  2. Select a custom role from the list.

  3. Click the Permissions subtab and then click the Lists.

    Add the Item Process Group and the Item Process Family and give them View Level permission.

  4. Click Save.

To set up an advanced PDF template for item level printing:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Enables Features.

  2. In the SuiteCloud subtab, SuiteBuilder section, check the Advanced PDF/HTML Templates box.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Go to Customization > Forms > Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

  5. Edit the Advanced PDF Template or create a new one.

  6. Go to Manufacturing Mobile > Administration/Setup > Item Print Preferences.

  7. Update the advanced template.

  8. Click Save.

To view printed labels:

  1. Go to Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles.

    To learn more, see Bundle Searches Overview.

  2. In the Keywords field, enter the bundle number.

  3. Press Enter.

To enable report printing:

  1. In the Adminstrator role, in the NetSuite Search field, enter Page: Report Type List page.

    Alternatively, in the Mobile–Administrator role, go to Setup > Label Printing > Report Types.

  2. In the Report Type List page, beside MFGMOBILE_LabelPrintReport, click Edit.

  3. In the Default Printer Type field, select Label, Report, or All.

  4. Click Save.

To print a label:

  1. In Manufacturing Mobile, Report Work pane, tap Production.

  2. In the Enter Quantity pane, tap Add and Print.

  3. In the Print pane, select the Printer you want to print from.

  4. Select your print Template.

  5. Enter the Number of Copies you want to print.

  6. Tap Print.

To view printed labels:

  1. In NetSuite, go to Documents > Files > File Cabinet.

  2. Click SuiteBundles.

  3. Click the bundle you want to view.

  4. Click com.netsuite.mfgmobile.

  5. Click src.

  6. Click printDocuments.

To re–print a label:

  1. In Manufacturing Mobile, go to the Print Log.

  2. Locate the label you want to re–print.

  3. Click the label's Date link.

  4. Click Reprint.

GS1 Bar Code Printing

When printing labels for assembly builds, NetSuite Manufacturing Mobile includes bar codes that store the item name, lot/serial number, quantity, and expiry date.

To set up GS1 bar code printing:

  1. To enable GS1 bar code printing, go to Manufacturing Mobile > Administration/Setup > Mfg Mobile -Print Preferences.

  2. Check the Enable GS1 Barcode Printing box.

  3. Set the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) in the assembly item record.

To print a GS1 label:

  1. In the Manufacturing Mobile scanner, select the Location, Work Center, Shift, and Date.

  2. Select the Work Order.

  3. If Manufacturing Routing is set up for WIP orders, select Operations.

  4. Report Consumption and Production.

  5. To print the label with a bar code, click Add and Print.

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