Configuring Mobile App Settings

You can change the default settings for mobile apps. These settings apply to the standard NetSuite WMS mobile app, including other mobile apps that you use from the SCM Mobile SuiteApp.

You can also enable Mobile Printing and Weighing Scale Support for the mobile app. If you use NetSuite Ship Central and have already enabled these capabilities, you do not need to enable them separately. For Mobile Printing, you can choose the apps to which you want to provide access.

To configure mobile app settings:

  1. Using the Mobile -Administrator role, go to Setup > Settings > Mobile Settings.

    The Mobile -Settings page appears.

  2. (Optional) To enable printing, check the Enable Mobile Printing box, and then enter values in the following fields:


    Aside from printing through an SCM Mobile app, this setting also enables printing through the NetSuite UI, which is configured separately. For more information, see Adding a Print Button to NetSuite Pages.

    • PrintNode URL for View Printers API – In case PrintNode changes their default URL, enter the new PrintNode URL for the view printers API.

      This API enables you to retrieve the list of printers.

    • PrintNode URL for Create Print Job API – In case PrintNode changes their default URL, enter the new PrintNode URL for the create print job API.

      This API enables you to submit print requests.

    • Print Server Connection Timeout – Enter the maximum number of seconds that you want to enable NetSuite to establish a printer server connection before it times out.

      You cannot enter a negative value in this field.

    • Printable File Retention (In Hours) – Enter the maximum number of hours that you want printable files to remain in your file cabinet before they get deleted.

      You cannot enter a negative value in this field.

      You cannot reprint deleted files. For more information about reprinting, see Reprinting Labels.

    • Enable for These Apps Only – Select the SCM Mobile apps to which you want to provide Mobile Printing access, or you can select None

      This setting neither provides nor removes access to printing through the NetSuite UI.

  3. (Optional) If you want to enable support for weighing scales within the PO Receiving process, check the Enable Weighing Scale Support box.

  4. (Optional) For your default account settings, enter or select values in any of the following fields:

    • Check the Debug State box if you want to set the mobile application to debug state and display state fields on mobile pages.

    • Check the Always Allow App Selection box to always display the application selection page on a mobile device, regardless if you have not configured multiple mobile applications.

    • To include empty and null values in the generated configuration file for the app, check the Include Null Values in Configuration Files box.

      If you clear this box to not include null field values, you decrease the configuration file size.

    • In the Account Mode for Logging field, select one of the following account modes in which you want to run the mobile app: Production, Development, or Debug.

    • In the Batch Size of Logs for Storage (GB) field, enter the batch size, in GB, that must be reached before NetSuite automatically transfers the logs for storage.

    • In the Table Row Size field, enter the default number of rows you want to display in a table at each mobile page load.

  5. Click Save.

  6. If you enable mobile printing or weighing scale support, be sure to begin a new session or reload the browser on your mobile device to view the updates.

If you enable Mobile Printing, see Mobile Printing for NetSuite WMS to set up your devices, printing settings, and templates.

If you enable Weighing Scale Support, continue your setup by activating the Enable Weighing Scale rule. For instructions, see System Rules for NetSuite WMS. For more information, see Weighing Scale Support.

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