Bundle Searches Overview

The Search & Install Bundles page, available at Customization > SuiteBundler > Search & Install Bundles, includes the following two search modes:


To search for the most popular bundles by the number of installations, leave the Keywords box blank and click Search.


Basic Mode

The Basic search mode, the default, supports simple bundle searches across all production locations. Use a basic search when you are not sure where a bundle is located and you do not have much information about its other characteristics.

Search & Install Bundles page Basic items.

Advanced Mode

The Advanced search mode supports additional search filters. Use an advanced search when you know the Account ID where a bundle is located or you want to narrow the search based on other bundle characteristics. By default, this search includes all production locations.

Search & Install Bundles page Advanced items.

The following table describes the filters for an advanced search:




Where the source bundle is located -- choose from the following options:

  • All Production: (the Default) Lists all bundles to which you have access across all production accounts.

  • Production Account: Lists bundles to which you have access in a selected NetSuite production account. You need to provide an account ID when you choose this filter.

  • Sandbox Account: Lists bundles to which you have access in a selected sandbox account. You need to provide an account ID when you choose this filter.


The options are All, Public, Shared, or Private.


You can search for bundles by keywords included in the bundle's Name, Bundle ID, Company Name, or Description


The NetSuite product for which the bundle is intended, for example, NetSuite OneWorld.


The vertical market for which the bundle is intended, for example, IT Services.


The language translations included in the bundle. For example, a bundle may include translations in French and English of custom records, custom forms, or other elements in the bundle.

Publisher ID

Applicable to bundles created from SDF SuiteApp projects. The publisher ID associated with the SuiteCloud Developer Network (SDN) member who created the SDF SuiteApp project on which the bundle is based.


If you leave the Keywords box blank for an advanced search, NetSuite returns the most popular bundles that meet the filter criteria.

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