Setting Up Bank Connections for Brazil

Bank connection records store the required information to establish the communication between banks and NetSuite. Each bank connection record represents a connection with a given bank in Brazil.

The Brazil Banking Integration SuiteApp provides a predefined bank connection for Banco do Brasil. The predefined record contains basic information for the communication between the bank and NetSuite, and you must complete its setup with your specific information.

To set up a bank connection for Brazil:

  1. Go to Setup > Brazil Banking Integration > Bank Connection.

  2. Next to the Banco do Brasil bank connection, click View.

  3. In the Digital Certificate ID field, enter the internal ID of the digital certificate you want NetSuite to present in the mutual TLS (mTLS) authentication process with the Banco do Brasil.

    For more information about uploading digital certificates to NetSuite, see Uploading Digital Certificates.

  4. Click Save.

  5. Add your Banco do Brasil application credentials in the bank connection settings.

    For more information, see Adding Application Credentials to Bank Connection Settings for Brazil.

  6. Associate your Banco do Brasil bank account to the connection.

    For more information, see Associating Bank Accounts with Bank Connections for Brazil.

  7. Select the banking API environment with which you want to connect.

    For more information, see Selecting the Environment of the Connected Banking API for Brazil.

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