Brazil Banking Integration Setup
Before you start using the Brazil Banking Integration SuiteApp, ensure you complete the required settings:
Register on the Portal Developers BB and create your application.
For more information, refer to the Banco do Brasil user documentation.
Upload your digital certificate to NetSuite.
Before uploading a digital certificate, ensure that the certificate includes the private key and all certificates in the certification path. For more information, see Uploading Digital Certificates.
Define your banking integration preferences.
For more information, see Defining Banking Integration Preferences for Brazil.
If you want to first test the connection with Banco do Brasil, add the test field to the bank statement request headers.
For more information, see Adding the Test Field to Bank Statement Request Headers for Brazil.
Create bank account details for the bank accounts of each subsidiary located in Brazil.
For more information, see Creating Bank Account Details for Brazil.
Set up your bank connection.
For more information, see Setting Up Bank Connections for Brazil.
(Optional) Define a specific schedule for the automatic bank statement imports.
For more information, see Scheduling the Import of Bank Statements for Brazil.