Adding Application Credentials to Bank Connection Settings for Brazil
The predefined bank connection for Banco do Brasil includes the settings required to connect your bank accounts with NetSuite. You must add the application credentials from your registration with the Banco do Brasil portal to complete these settings.
Before you complete the required bank connection settings, create two API secrets:
An API secret to store the client ID credential.
An API secret to store the client secret credential.
Storing these credentials as API secrets adds an extra layer of security to the information you keep in NetSuite. Take note of the IDs you assign to each API secret. For more information, see Creating Secrets.
To add application information to a bank connection setting for Brazil:
Go to Setup > Brazil Banking Integration > Bank Connection.
Next to the Banco do Brasil bank connection, click View.
Click the Settings subtab.
Add the application key information.
Next to the BB_APP_KEY setting, click Edit.
In the Setting Value field, enter the application key, as provided by Banco do Brasil.
Click Save.
NetSuite saves the bank connection setting and returns to the bank connection record.
Add the client ID credential.
Next to the BB_API_CLIENT_ID setting, click Edit.
In the Setting Value field, enter the ID of the API secret you created to store the client ID.
Click Save.
NetSuite saves the bank connection setting and returns to the bank connection record.
Add the client secret credential.
Next to the BB_API_SECRET setting, click Edit.
In the Setting Value field, enter the ID of the API secret you created to store the client secret.
Click Save.
NetSuite saves the bank connection setting and returns to the bank connection record.