Creating Bank Account Details for Brazil

Bank account details records store information about an individual's or a company's bank account.

Create bank account details for:

Before you create bank account details, ensure you defined your banking integration preferences. For more information, see Defining Banking Integration Preferences for Brazil.

To create bank account details for Brazil:

  1. Go to Setup > Brazil Banking Integration > Bank Account Details > New.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name to identify the bank account.

  3. In the Bank field, select the bank where the company or individual maintains the account.

  4. In the Country field, select Brazil.

  5. In the Type field, select the type of this bank account.

  6. In the Branch Number field, enter the number of the bank branch where the account is maintained.

  7. In the Account Number field, enter the bank account number.

    After you save the bank account details record, NetSuite hides and encrypts the content of this field to protect your account number information.

  8. In the Bank GL Account field, select the GL account to which to post payments associated with this bank account.

  9. If the bank account belongs to a customer, employee, or vendor, in the Customer, Employee, or Vendor field, select the company or individual who maintains the account.

  10. If the bank account belongs to one of your subsidiaries, in the Subsidiary field, select the company.

  11. Click Save.

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