Installing SuitePeople Time Clock Components for Windows

With your activation code ready, prepare to install the SuitePeople Time Clock components on your Windows device.

Confirm that your Windows device meet the minimum screen requirements for Time Clock. For more information, see Minimum Screen Requirements for SuitePeople Time Clock for Windows

To install SuitePeople Time Clock components for Windows:

  1. Go to Workforce Management.

  2. Go to Setup > Time Clock.

  3. On the upper right corner of the Time Clock page, click Download Apps.

  4. On the Download Time Clock Apps window, click Download beside the Windows platform.

    The file downloads in the background.

  5. Run the SuitePeople Time Clock installer.

  6. On the Choose Components page, select components to install.

    • If you don't have the Futronic fingerprint scanner, check only SuitePeople Time Clock.

    • If you have the Futronic fingerprint scanner and don't have time Clock installed, check both the SuitePeople Time Clock and Futronic Fingerscanner Driver components.

    • If you already have Time Clock installed and is installing the Futronic fingerprint scanner, check only Futronic Fingerscanner Driver.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Choose the install location. Click Install.

    The wizard automatically installs the components.

  9. If you checked the Futronic Fingerscanner Driver box, the Futronic Fingerprint Scanner Setup page appears. Click Next.

    The installer adds the driver.

  10. Click Finish. Click Close.

  11. If your installation includes SuitePeople Time Clock, open the app on your Windows device.

  12. Enter the activation code. Click Activate.

    SuitePeople Time Clock opens to a number pad screen, which employees can use to clock in.

    For more information about clocking in and out, see Using SuitePeople Time Clock for Windows.

General Notices