Creating a Manufacturing Mobile Work Order

You can use the Manufacturing Mobile interface to report on all work orders.

To create a Manufacturing Mobile work order:

  1. In the Administrator or Production Manager role, go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders.

  2. In the Custom Form field, select the Mfg Mobile – Work Order Form.

    NetSuite generates the work Order # after you save the form and increases the largest work order number by one.

To complete the Primary Information section:

  1. Select the Customer associated with this work order.

  2. If the assemblies on this work order are assigned to a specific job, select a Project. To view a list of jobs, click the open icon Open icon.

  3. Select the Assembly you need to build.

    After an item is selected, the assembly components are displayed on the Items subtab.

  4. To build member items that are also assemblies used to complete the work order, check the Mark Sub-Assemblies Phantom box.

  5. To designate the work order to use work in progress instead of a standard assembly build, check the WIP box. This option is only available when the order status is Released.

  6. Enter the Quantity or number of assembly items you want to create. This can be a fractional number.

  7. The Units field displays the units of the component used in the parent assembly.

  8. To change the default current date as the work order date, enter or select a different Date.

  9. Select a work order Status.

  10. The Firmed box is enabled to be checked when the work order status is Planned.

    This box is checked by default for Released orders. Firmed planned work orders are not deleted before supply planning runs.

  11. (Optional) Enter a Memo. You can search for text in this memo to find this work order.

  12. If you have a NetSuite OneWorld account, select a Subsidiary.

    Your location and assembly options depend on your subsidiary.

  13. When available, select a Scheduling Method:

    • Forward Scheduling to set a production start date. NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations to finish the task. The production end date is determined based on these calculations.

    • Backward Scheduling to set the production end date. This is the date items need to be completed. NetSuite calculates the time, materials, and resources required to complete all necessary operations. The production start date is determined based on these calculations.

  14. To display only work centers for a location, select a Location.

    If you set a default location for work orders, this field is populated with the default location. For instructions, see Assigning a Default Work Order Location and Work Center.

    If you use the Multi-Location Inventory feature, you commit component inventory items from your selected location.

  15. Select a Work Center within the location to specify the production area where the work effort is performed.

    A work center is the production area within a location where this work effort is performed.

    If you set a default work center for work orders, this field is populated with the default work center. For instructions, see Assigning a Default Work Order Location and Work Center.


    To pick more than the quantity in the WMS app, you must assign a work center to the work order.

    For more information, see the following topics:

  16. When available, select a Manufacturing Routing. This list is only available when the WIP box is checked.

  17. To override an Actual Production Start Date or an Actual Production End Date, check the Enter Manually box, and then enter or select a new date.

    NetSuite populates the Actual Production Start Date when a work order transaction is initiated.

    NetSuite populates the Actual Production End Date when the final assembly is built and recorded in the work order transaction.

To complete the Classification section:

  1. Select a Department for the assemblies in this work order.

  2. To calculate lag times for operation tasks, check the Auto-Calculate Lag box.

    For more information, see Operations Overlap.

  3. If you use Advanced Bills of Materials, the related Bill of Materials is automatically selected.

  4. Select a Class for the assemblies in this work order.

  5. If you use Advanced Bills of Materials, the related BOM Revision is automatically selected based on the revision effective dates and production start date (the date for the backward scheduling method).

  6. On the Manufacturing Mobile subtab, the following settings are available:

    • To automatically consume all work order components at the standard BOM quantities, check the Backflush All Components box.

      For lot items, you can enable this option through the Automated Backflush for Lot Controlled Items preference. For more information, see Manufacturing Mobile Preferences.

      If you check this box, reporting consumption is not available in the mobile scanner, but reporting production is still available.

      Backflush is compatible with or without real time build and WIP work orders.

      For more information, see Backflush Logic.

    • The Real Time Build box is checked and enabled for all types of work orders by default. To change this default setting, update the Default Real Time Build for Work Orders preference. For more information, see Manufacturing Mobile Preferences

      Real time build automatically records ERP transactions whenever you report consumption or production in the mobile scanner. The Submit Work option is not available on the mobile scanner.

      To manually trigger when ERP transactions are recorded and disable real time build, clear the Real Time Build box if you want. The Submit Work option is available on the mobile scanner.

  7. Click Save.

If you use Warehouse Management and want to pick the components through a mobile device, see Picking Component Items for Work Orders. You can complete this task in the NetSuite WMS app, using a WMS role.

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