Operations Overlap

When you use the Manufacturing Routing feature, manufacturing planners can use the operations overlap function to schedule overlapping manufacturing operations. Overlapping of manufacturing operations can reduce work order lead times and allow more efficient utilization of manufacturing resources. When you set up operations to overlap, work order operations can be processed in a staggered method through the production cycle.

To define operations overlap, select Connection Type and Lag Amount as needed. The following options are available:

To use operations overlap, you must enable these features:

You can view and edit the connection type and lag amount in the Predecessors subtab in the Manufacturing Operation Task popup window. For more information, see the Manufacturing Operation Tasks help topic.

You can also define the connection type and lag amount in the Routing Steps subtab in the Manufacturing Routing popup window. For more information, see the Creating a Manufacturing Routing help topic.

Define Lag on a Routing

The Lag Amount defines what portion of an operation needs to be completed before the next operation can start. It defines lag between beginning of an operation (run time) and beginning of consequent operation (setup time).

For each sequence of the routing, you can define a lag type using the following types:

  • Time (in minutes)

  • Quantity (in assembly units)

  • Time Percentage

  • Quantity Percentage

Autocalculate Lag

If you choose to autocalculate the routing, NetSuite can automatically calculate the optimal lag amount. The Optimal (Minimal) Lag Amount is the shortest possible lead time for each work order. Optimizing lag means that operations on a work order are scheduled strategically. This minimizes the lead time of the order and maximize the utilization of work centers within the work order.

To autocalculate lag amount, check the Auto-Calculate Lag box on the routing record. When you check this box, NetSuite disables the following fields in the grid:

  • Lag Type

  • Lag Amount

  • Lag Unit of Measure


If you want to be able to edit the fields noted above, do not check the Auto-Calculate Lag box. If you choose to define these values, they default on work orders.

If lag settings are changed on the operation record, NetSuite reschedules the operation when the task is saved. The task reflects the new settings and reschedules all affected subsequent tasks.

When a work order is scheduled, NetSuite calculates the Optimal (Minimal) Lag Amount and Maximal Lag Amount for each operation. This is true if the operation has a preceding operation and defined lag type. Then, NetSuite does not allow the lag amount to be defined outside of this range.

The autocalculation setting can be changed only when the status of a work order is Planned or Released.

  • When Auto-calculate Lag is enabled, lag amounts on operations cannot be edited.

  • When Auto-calculate Lag is enabled, the only lag type available is Quantity.

After creation, click the Operations subtab on work orders to view the Start Date/Time and End Date/Time of each operation.

On the operation task record under the Predecessor subtab, the Lag Type and Lag Amount can be edited. After save, NetSuite validates that each lag amount entered falls between the Optimal (Minimal) Lag Amount and Maximal Lag Amount. If the lag amount entered is outside this range, an error displays the valid range.

Operations Overlap and Supply Plans

Because a supply plan generates supply plan lines for assemblies or work orders, calculations do account for lag related settings on the assembly routing. NetSuite verifies that the defined lag amounts fall in the valid range between the Optimal (Minimal) Lag Amount and Maximal Lag Amount. If not, the supply plan is automatically adjusted.

  • If the lag amount defined on the routing is less than the Optimal (Minimal) Lag Amount, it is adjusted to the optimal lag amount.

  • If the lag amount defined on the routing is greater than the Maximal Lag Amount, it is adjusted to equal the maximal lag amount.

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