Viewing System Notes v2


System notes updates run as a background process. You may experience a short delay between the time an action is performed and when the details appear in the system notes.

Administrators can view and search all system notes in System Notes v2. Other users can view only their own system notes for a record if they have the view permission.

For supported records, you can access System Notes v2 using the System Notes link located on the upper right of the pages. The following screenshot shows an example of the System Notes link on a custom transaction type:

Custom Transaction Type page the System Notes link outlined in red.

To see a list of supported records, see Records Supported in System Notes v2.

The following screenshot shows a System Notes v2 example with audit data grouped by action:

The System Notes v2 page with audit data grouped by action.

Use the date filter fields and the search fields in the header to filter and search through record contents. For more information, see Searching and Filtering System Notes v2.

Page number information appears on the upper right and consists of the following types of display details:

Page numbers appear as # of X, where # is the page number displayed and X is the total number of pages available. To advance and go back through the pages, click the arrows. To go directly to a specific page, enter the page number in the field.

Records numbers appear as # -# of X, where # -# is the range of record numbers displayed, and X is the total number of records available. For example, 1 -20 of 22 means that records 1 to 20 are currently displayed, out of the 22 total records available.

The following table describes the System Notes v2 headings.




Date and time the action took place. Point to this field for the complete time, including seconds.


User who performed the action.

  • For a managed bundle, this is the user who installed the bundle.

  • If the user is no longer active, the oldest (based on date) active administrator-user is used.

  • For system events, which have no user connected to the change, System is used.


The user’s role at the time of the change.


The interface from where the change was initiated, for example, UI.


The action performed. Actions can be create, change, delete, set, update, or unset.


The object that was changed, for example, a permission or role.

Old Value

The old value of the object, before the change was made.

New Value

The new value of the object, after the change was made.

For information about searching and filtering system notes v2 information, see Searching and Filtering System Notes v2.

System Notes v2 tracks significant changes only. For example, if you create a new object, the initial default setting is not shown. To see the initial value, you must go to the record. You see old value and new value details only in the system notes for updates and changes. When you make changes, values in previous action rows can also change to display new details. For example, when an object's value changes, a previously blank New Value field on an existing row may update to show the initial default value.

For More information, see System Notes v2 Example.


When viewing System Notes v2, long descriptions are truncated. To see the full details, hover over the truncated text.

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