Searching and Filtering System Notes v2
Use the filter and search fields in the System Notes v2 header to filter and search system notes record details. All data in the record history are filtered and searched. The following screenshot shows an example of the System Notes v2 header:

To search for a specific term in the system notes, enter the term in the Search field. Search results filter while you type the search term and display in real time as prominent text. Matching records populate at the same time as the query continues to run in the background, enabling you to review results while the search runs. The following screenshot shows an example of results for the search term trans:

To filter the system notes displayed, choose a predefined time interval or enter a custom date range. Data is immediately filtered based on the selected time interval. The default setting for the predefined time interval is Last 30 days.
To select a custom date range, click Custom, and then enter a start date and an end date.
Page numbers and record numbers included in the filter and search results display in the upper right of the page. For more information, see Viewing System Notes v2.