External Suitelets Traffic Health

External Suitelets incoming traffic (/app/site/hosting/scriptlet.nl) to your account using a data center-specific domain is listed in this section of the report.

An external Suitelet is a Suitelet where the Available without Login box is checked on the script record. Some implementations include a hard-coded data center-specific URL, and use a POST or PUT method without initially performing a GET. For example, some forms on websites have an action parameter which directly POST data to NetSuite through an external Suitelet. In this use case, if the Suitelet uses a data center-specific URL, this data collection action will fail after an account move.

Correcting Your External Suitelets

The data listed in each column indicates where to find the Suitelet. You should update the Suitelet to use your account-specific domain or to use a dynamic service discovery method to obtain the URL.

Traffic Health reports identify URLs that use data center-specific domains in your account. You must change the data center-specific domains in the URLs to your account-specific domains. To make the necessary changes to a data center-specific URL:

  • You may need the help of a developer in your company.

  • You may need to ask your company’s IT department to locate the owner of the integration.

  • You may need to contact a partner who set up an integration, or the third-party supplier of an integration.

See URLs for Account-Specific Domains for more information.

The account-specific domain for the external URL is shown on the script deployment record. See also URLs for Suitelets and Suitelet Script Deployment Page Links Subtab. For access or redirection from another script to a Suitelet, the best practice is to use url.resolveScript(options) to discover the URL instead of hard-coding the URL.

The following procedure assumes that you have already generated a report. If this is not the case, or if you want to refresh the report data, see Generating a Traffic Health Report.

To correct the items reported for External Suitelets:

  1. Click External Suitelets.

    1. If you see the message No records to show, your external Suitelets are using account-specific domains.

    2. If you see items listed in this section of the report, you must identify the non-compliant traffic, and determine the severity.

      Use the number in the Count column to determine the priority of the updates you should make. The higher the count, the higher the priority to make updates to use an account-specific domain.

      Column Name

      How This Information Can Help You Identify the Traffic


      Domain name (Host header) associated with an incoming HTTP request.

      Source IP

      Originating IP address of the request.

      Indicates the IP address that NetSuite sees as the IP address from which the traffic originates. This IP address may be translated by a NAT (Network Address Translation) device, which operates in the network where your integration server runs.

      User Agent

      A user agent is software that acts on behalf of the user. Browsers are one type of user agent. The information in this column can identify the application type, operating system, software vendor, or software version of the requesting software user agent.

      The user agent indicates the name of your HTTP or integration client. The user agent may contain the name of the programming language used to create the integration client. The user agent can also indicate whether the external Suitelet is invoked from a website or from a standalone script (for example, a python script).

      Query String

      Includes the Script ID or Deployment ID of the script. You do not need to locate the particular script using those IDs. The problem is with the user agent that is calling the script.

      The script, or query string parameter, identifies the external Suitelet ID instance being called. Determining the purpose of the external Suitelet will help you to narrow down the scope of integration clients that need to be updated.

      Response Code

      HTTP response status code.

      Failures of requests using a data center-specific URL with 200, 300, and 500 series response codes are listed in this report.

      • 200 series response codes: The request was processed, but it does not mean the request routing (the domain used in the request) is correct.

      • 300 series response codes: Indicate that the response was redirected. However, it also indicates that the request routing (the domain used in the request) should be fixed.

        Examples of some of the 300 series response codes include:

        • 301 Moved Permanently

        • 302 Found

        • 308 Permanent Redirect

      • 500 series response codes: The operation failed on the NetSuite side because the server could not process the response.

        • You may need to fix the request routing (the domain used in the request).

        • You should also investigate what else may be wrong with the request that caused the server to fail to process the request.

      For more information about these codes, refer to the following websites:


      The number of times during the reporting period that the traffic with the same parameters used a data center-specific domain.

      Count can help you to determine the severity of the problem. Prioritize correcting line items with a high value in the Count column. A higher number indicates a larger volume of traffic is using a data center-specific URL.

  2. After you have updated all of the external Suitelets listed in the original report, generate a fresh report to validate there are no external Suitelets in your account that are using data center-specific domains.

  3. Repeat this entire procedure as needed to continue correcting items listed on your Traffic Health report until no items remain in the list.

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