Inbound Email Traffic Health

If the Email Case Capture feature is enabled in your account or if you are using the Email Capture Plug-in, all inbound email traffic to your account that is using a data center-specific domain is listed in this section of the report.

Correcting Your Inbound Email Traffic

The data listed in each column indicates where to find the inbound email traffic that is using a data center-specific domain. You should update the source of the traffic to use your account-specific domain.

Traffic Health reports identify URLs that use data center-specific domains in your account. You must change the data center-specific domains in the URLs to your account-specific domains. To make the necessary changes to a data center-specific URL:

  • You may need the help of a developer in your company.

  • You may need to ask your company’s IT department to locate the owner of the integration.

  • You may need to contact a partner who set up an integration, or the third-party supplier of an integration.

See URLs for Account-Specific Domains for more information.

The following procedure assumes that you have already generated a report. If this is not the case, or if you want to refresh the report data, see Generating a Traffic Health Report.

To correct your inbound email traffic:

  1. Click Inbound Email.

    1. If you see the message No records to show, all of the inbound email-related traffic in your account is using account-specific domains.

    2. If you see items listed in this section of the report, you must identify the non-compliant traffic, and determine the severity.

      Use the number in the Count column to determine the priority of the updates you should make. The higher the count, the higher the priority to make updates to use an account-specific domain.

    Column Name

    How This Information Can Help You Identify the Traffic

    Mail From

    Mail From is the email address to which bounce messages are delivered (see RFC 5321). The Mail From field is also called the Return Path address, the Envelope From address, or the Bounce address.

    The Mail From address is used to inform the sender's system when an email cannot be delivered to a recipient's mailbox.


    The RFC 5322.From field specifies the authors of the message, that is, the mailboxes of the persons or systems responsible for writing the message.


    The subject line of the inbound email. Per RFC 5322, the subject is a short string identifying the topic of the message.


    The RFC 5322.To field contains the addresses of the recipients of the message.

    Envelope To

    Displays the SMTP recipient who received the email. If someone sends email directly to a case handler email address (similar to there is no difference between the TO field and the ENVELOPE TO field.

    However, if, for example, you created an alias to obscure the case handler address from your customers, and added a rule to your email infrastructure, the TO and ENVELOPE TO fields could be different.

    The ENVELOPE TO address can help you determine what rule to look for in your email infrastructure. Change the rule to use your account-specific domain.

    (See RFC 5321. The ENVELOPE TO address is the same address as identified by the RECIPIENT (RCPT) command in the RFC.)


    The number of times during the reporting period that the traffic with the same parameters used a data center-specific domain.

    Count can help you to determine the severity of the problem. Prioritize correcting line items with a high value in the Count column. A higher number indicates a larger volume of traffic is using a data center-specific URL.

  2. Update each instance in the list so that the inbound email traffic uses account-specific domains. See Viewing Your Inbound Email Account-Specific Domains for more information.

  3. After you have updated all of the instances listed in the original report, generate a fresh report to validate that there is no inbound email-related traffic in your account that is using data center-specific domains.

  4. Repeat this entire procedure as needed to continue correcting items listed on your Traffic Health report until no items remain in the list.

Viewing Your Inbound Email Account-Specific Domains

To view the account-specific domain used for general case capture:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Preferences > Support Preferences.

  2. Click the Inbound Email subtab.

  3. Copy the NetSuite Address. This field is displaying the account-specific domain NetSuite Address that you should be using for general case capture.

  4. Use the account-specific domain NetSuite Address to replace data center-specific domains in use in your account or email infrastructure.

To view the account-specific domain attached to a case profile:

  1. Go to Setup > Support > Case Profiles.

  2. Click View on the desired profile.

  3. Copy the NetSuite Inbound Email Address.

  4. Use the account-specific NetSuite Inbound Email Address domain to replace data center-specific domains in use in your account or email infrastructure.

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