Personalizing a Search Form
You can use SuiteAnalytics Workbook to query your NetSuite data using the analytics data source, which offers advanced query capabilities. For more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook and how you can recreate your existing saved searches to workbooks, see the following topics:
By default, the simple search form for each record type displays a system-defined set of fields that can be used as filters. To simplify your searches, you can personalize this form to include only the filters you need.
For example, if you always search customer records using either the customer name, sales rep name or partner name, you can create a personalized search form that only displays these three fields.
An alternate approach is to apply available filters from a saved search to your simple search form. See Defining a Saved Search as a Preferred Search Form.
To personalize a search form:
Go to a search definition page.
Use a menu option like the following to get there:
Reports > New Search
Transactions > Management > Search Transactions
Lists > (Category) > (Record Type) > Search
Ensure that the Use Advanced Search box is not checked, and click Personalize Search.
If this box is checked, clicking Personalize Search displays a saved search definition page, with many options that are not relevant to personalizing a search form.

On this page, you can:
Change the search title. Default is: Preferred <record type> Search Form.
Remove or reorder fields, to simplify your search form.
Check the Show in Footer box for a field, to display it as an available filter in search results page filters.
Check the Show as Multi-Select box to cause available filter values in the results page footer to display in a multi-select dropdown list rather than a single-select dropdown list. (Available only when Show in Footer box is checked)
Available filter values that display on the search form itself are always displayed in a multi-select dropdown list. The Show as Multi-Select option applies only to the available filter in the search results page footer; it does not apply to the available filter on the search form.
Enter a custom label for a field, to be displayed instead of the field name.
Click Save to use these personalized settings for the record type search form.
Click More Options to display a full saved search definition page, where you can edit other options. (Note that if you make changes to other options on this page, these settings are preserved when you return to the simple personalization page, even though they are no longer visible.)
Click Cancel to return to the simple search form, with no changes.
After you have created a personalized search form, you can add it to your dashboard. See Adding Personalized Search Forms to NetSuite Pages.