Emailing Search Results
You can use SuiteAnalytics Workbook to query your NetSuite data using the analytics data source, which offers advanced query capabilities. For more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook and how you can recreate your existing saved searches to workbooks, see the following topics:
Most search results pages include an Email button that you can click to send results in the body of an email to any employee, vendor, customer, or partner entered in your account. (Popup search pages do not include this button.)
If your search results pages do not include an Email button, your account administrator may not have assigned you the Full level for the Perform Search permission. This level is required for emailing search results. See Permissions for Searches.
When you email search results, you need to select one primary recipient. You also can:
Send a copy of the search results email to multiple additional recipients, as either Cc or Bcc.
Send search results as an attached Microsoft®Excel file.
Include in the email a comment that explains the results to the recipients.
Saved searches provide a more powerful set of email options, including sending email alerts triggered by search results changes, and scheduling saved searches to be run and emailed at defined dates or intervals. For information, see Saved Search Email.
To email search results:
On a search results page, click the Email button to open a popup window.
Select the email's primary recipient in the Recipient box at the top of the window.
Click the dropdown arrow to view a list of possible recipients.
Click on a recipient.
By default, search results are sent within the email message. Choose Send as CSV, Send as Microsoft®Excel, or Send as PDF to instead send search results in a file attached to the message. (Note that CSV is the preferred format because it is the most compact.)
Enter a comment to include in the body of the email, if needed.
The Recipient list at the bottom is where you can indicate other recipients to receive copies of the email. You can select these in the same way you selected the primary recipient. By default, the Cc box is checked. You can check the Bcc box instead.
Repeat step 5 for each additional recipient.
Click the Email button to send search results email.
Because of existing email limitations, excessively large search results are truncated before they are sent in email. Emails containing truncated results include a note stating that truncation has occurred. This truncation occurs if an email's size is greater than 5MB or if the number of results exceeds 10,000 rows. To include the maximum possible data in a search email, send results as CSV, which is the most compact format. Use of other formats causes email size to be larger.