Popup Searches
You can use SuiteAnalytics Workbook to query your NetSuite data using the analytics data source, which offers advanced query capabilities. For more information about SuiteAnalytics Workbook and how you can recreate your existing saved searches to workbooks, see the following topics:
To facilitate searches, some individual records include select list fields that provide popup menus with search links. For example, the following figure shows, on an Opportunity record, a popup menu with a link to search items.

When you click a search link in a popup menu, a search opens in a new popup window. A popup search appears as either a simple or advanced search, according to which was used most recently for a search of the selected record type. So, for information about completing a popup search, see either Defining a Simple Search or Defining an Advanced Search.
Popup searches are different from other search pages as follows:
They do not include the Use Advanced Search box, so they cannot be switched between simple and advanced.
They do not include the Export, Reset, Customize, or Create Saved Search buttons.
Their results pages display in the popup window.
Their results pages do not include Export, Email, or Create Saved Search buttons.