Getting Started with SuiteAnalytics Workbook
To help familiarize yourself with SuiteAnalytics Workbook, see the following video and help topics:
To learn how to set up Workbook:
Workbook is enabled by default. However, if you do not see the Analytics tab in the NetSuite navigation menu, see Enabling SuiteAnalytics Workbook in Your NetSuite Account.
There should be at least one user with the Analytics Administrator in your account. To learn what this user is enabled to do in Workbook, see The Analytics Administrator Permission.
If you experience long load times for your datasets or workbooks using your datasets, you can enable Cached Data in Datasets. For more information, see Optimized Data Refresh.
To learn about custom workbooks and datasets, and predefined workbook and dataset templates:
Custom Workbooks and Datasets contains information about creating your own workbooks and datasets. This section includes steps for defining, filtering, and pivoting your workbook source data, as well as procedures for how to link datasets and create custom formula fields.
Workbook supports multiple predefined workbook and dataset templates. For more information, see Workbook and Dataset Templates.
To learn about the analytics data source:
Workbook uses the new analytics data source which might require different fields, record types, joins, or formulas to replicate your existing saved searches. Review the Analytics Data Source Overview for more information, including guidelines for joining record types and steps for authoring sample workbooks.
Some record types have been created specifically for Workbook and exist only in the analytics data source. For more information, see Analytical Record Types.
To learn about the Workbook user interface:
Workbook is built using a new user interface. To learn about the elements within the interface, see Navigating SuiteAnalytics Workbook.
There is new terminology associated with Workbook. For more information, see the SuiteAnalytics Workbook Glossary.
To learn how to create and run SuiteAnalytics Workbook queries using SuiteScript:
Scripting with the N/query Module explains the different module objects and how to use them when defining your queries.
To learn about linking datasets as part of your query definitions, see Linking Datasets.
Additional resources:
Complete the SuiteAnalytics Workbook Tutorial to learn how to create a sample sales order workbook.
For information about how to add workbook-based portlets to your NetSuite dashboards, see Workbook-based Portlets.
There are some known limitations with the current iteration of Workbook. For more information, see Known Limitations in SuiteAnalytics Workbook.
You can also visit the SuiteAnalytics Workbook Community to find answers and other information about Workbook.
Workbook videos:
Data Model Basics: Describes the different record types available in the analytics data source that is used by Workbook.
Joining Record Types in Workbook: Explains the implications of joining record types in Workbook. It also provides some information about the SQL that is used to accomplish these joins in the background, and some suggestions to improve performance.
Separation of Dataset and Workbook in 2020.1: Describes the change in NetSuite 2020.1 that separates datasets from workbooks.
Using Filters in SuiteAnalytics Workbook: Describes the different filtering options available in Workbook, including: data grid filters, value-based and measure-based filters for pivot tables, chart filtering options, and workbook criteria filters.
Transaction Data Model in 2020.1: Discusses the implications of joining the transaction, transaction line, and transaction accounting line record types in NetSuite 2020.1. The video also generally describes some of the changes between a transaction saved search and a transaction workbook. You will also learn some guidelines for using the transaction record type as the root record for a dataset.