Standard Report Snapshots Table

The following table lists NetSuite standard report snapshots, in alphabetical order. You can see the snapshots available by clicking Set Up in the Report Snapshot portlet’s menu and checking the Snapshot list. You may see a subset of snapshots listed in the following table, depending on your role and the features you have enabled.


A report snapshot is only available to you if you have permission to view the underlying report's data.

Report Snapshot


Campaigns By Activity

This snapshot shows the top campaigns by percent of campaign messages viewed during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Campaign Response Summary Report.

Campaigns By Profitability

This snapshot shows the top campaigns by profitability during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Campaign ROI Analysis Summary Report.

Comparative Sales

This line graph compares the total income and reimbursed expenses for customers in the periods you choose. It excludes the following transaction types—Journal, Deposit, Credit Card, Credit Card Refund and Check.

This snapshot is based on the Comparative Sales report.

This snapshot offers different setup options from other standard snapshots. For information, see Setup Options for Comparative Sales Report Snapshots.

Comparative Sales (Orders)

This line graph compares the total income for sales orders in the periods you choose. It excludes the following transaction types—Journal, Deposit, Credit Card, Credit Card Refund and Check.

This snapshot is based on the Comparative Sales (Orders) report.

This snapshot offers different setup options from other standard snapshots. For information, see Setup Options for Comparative Sales Report Snapshots.

Comparative Sales (Orders Alt. Sales)

This snapshot shows a comparison of the total dollar values of sales orders, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA) in the two date ranges you select. These values exclude the following transaction types: journal, deposit, credit card, credit card refund, and check.

This snapshot is based on the Comparative Sales (Alt. Sales) report.

This snapshot offers different setup options from other standard snapshots. For information, see Setup Options for Comparative Sales Report Snapshots.

Customers By Balance

This snapshot shows the customers with the largest account balances due for the date range you select.

This snapshot is based on the A/R Aging Summary Report.

Customers By Forecast

This snapshot shows the top customers by forecast during the time period you select. The forecast includes:

  • total income and reimbursed expenses

  • total value of open estimates that are set to be included in the forecast and are expected to close in the period you have selected

  • total value of open opportunities that are expected to close in the period you have selected and do not include an estimate that is set to appear in the forecast
    Note: The values of the estimates and opportunities that are included in the forecast depend on the preferences you have set at Setup > Sales > Preferences > Sales Preferences on the Forecasts subtab.

This snapshot is based on the Forecast by Customer Summary Report.

Customers By Forecast Outstanding

This snapshot shows the top customers by outstanding forecast during the time period you select. This snapshot includes:

  • total value of open estimates that are set to be included in the forecast and are expected to close in the period you have selected

  • total value of open opportunities that are expected to close in the period you have selected and do not include an estimate that is set to appear in the forecast
    Note: The values of the estimates and opportunities that are included in the forecast depend on the preferences you have set at Setup > Sales > Preferences > Sales Preferences on the Forecasts subtab.

This snapshot is based on the Forecast (Outstanding) by Customer Summary Report.

Customers By Hosted Page Hits

This snapshot shows the top customers by hosted page hits in your website during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Hosted Page Hits by Customer Report.

Customers By Page Hits

This snapshot shows the top customers by page hits in your website during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Page Hits by Customer Report.

Customers By Pipeline

This snapshot shows the top customers by pipeline. The pipeline includes the projected amount of open opportunities and open estimates expected to close in the date range you choose. This excludes the total of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast.

This snapshot is based on the Pipeline by Customer Summary Report.

Customers By Profitability

This snapshot shows the most profitable customers for the date range you select. Profit is calculated by subtracting cost from revenue.

This snapshot is based on the Customer Profitability Summary Report.

Customers By Sales

This snapshot shows the top customers by sales during the time period you select.

This snapshot is based on the Sales by Customer Summary Report.

Customers By Sales Orders

This snapshot shows the total of the approved sales orders for each customer during the date range you select.

This snapshot is based on the Sales Orders by Customer Summary Report.

Customers By Total Pipeline

This snapshot shows the top customers by total pipeline. The total pipeline includes the projected amount of all opportunities and estimates that are open as of the date you choose. This excludes the total of opportunities with estimates set to be included in the forecast.

This snapshot is based on the Total Pipeline by Customer Summary Report.

Earned Value

This snapshot shows the top projects by earned value as of the date you choose. This data illustrates the effectiveness of project resources.

This snapshot is based on the Earned Value by Project Report, which includes data on the difference between projects' earned value and planned value, and the difference between projects' earned value and actual cost.

Forecast By Status

This snapshot shows your forecast divided by customer statuses. This enables you to understand where sales are in the sales cycle.

This snapshot is based on the Forecast by Status Summary Report.

Hosted Page Hits

This snapshot shows you the number of hits to Web pages hosted in your NetSuite File Cabinet during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Hosted Page Hits Report.

Hosted Page Hits By Unique Visitor

This snapshot shows the top hosted pages by unique-visitor hits in your website during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Hosted Page Hits Report.

Internal Search Hits

This snapshot shows the keywords that website visitors are using to search within your site and the search results being returned.

This snapshot is based on the Internal Search Summary Report.

Inventory Sales

This snapshot shows the top selling items by amount of revenue generated.

This snapshot is based on the Inventory Revenue Report.


This snapshot shows the top open invoices by customer during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Open Invoices Report.

Items By Qty Sold

This snapshot shows the top selling items by quantity sold.

This snapshot is based on the Sales by Item Summary Report.

Items By Sales

This snapshot shows the top items by sales during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Sales by Item Summary Report.

Items By Sales Orders

This snapshot shows the top items by sales order income during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Sales Orders by Item Summary Report.

Keywords By Revenue

This snapshot shows the top keywords website customers enter in search engines by the revenue generated from customers who used those keywords during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Search Engine Keywords Summary Report.

Keywords By Visitors

This snapshot shows the top keywords website customers enter in search engines and follow results to your site during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Search Engine Keywords Summary Report.

Lead Sources By Activity

This snapshot shows the top lead sources by the quantity of lead records entered in NetSuite during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Lead Source Analysis Summary Report.

Open Escalations

This snapshot shows the number of escalated cases during the range you choose grouped by employee.

This snapshot is based on the Open Escalations report.

Open Estimates

This snapshot shows the estimates with the highest projected amounts expected to close during the date range you select. Open estimates have a probability between 0% and 100% and have not been closed by an order or actual.

This snapshot is based on the Estimates to Close Report.

Open Opportunities

This snapshot shows the opportunities with the highest projected amounts expected to close during the date range you select. Open opportunities have a probability between 0% and 100% and have not been closed by an order or actual.

This snapshot is based on the Opportunities to Close Detail Report.

Open Sales Orders

This snapshot shows the top open sales orders by customer during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Open Sales Orders Report.

Page Hits

This snapshot shows the top pages by hits in your website during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Page Hits Report.

Page Hits By Unique Visitors

This snapshot shows the top pages by unique-visitor hits in your website during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Page Hits Report.

Partners By Activity

This snapshot shows the top partners by the quantity of activities they have entered in NetSuite during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Partner Activity Summary Report.

Partners By Customer Acquisition

This snapshot shows the top partners by the quantity of customers they acquired in the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Customers by Partner Summary Report.

Partners By Sales

This snapshot shows the top partners by sales during the period you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Sales by Partner Summary Report.

Partners By Sales Orders

This snapshot shows the top partners by sales order totals during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Sales Orders by Partner Summary Report.

Pipeline By Status

This snapshot shows the total of the open estimates and opportunities expected to close in the date range you choose grouped by status.

This snapshot is based on the Pipeline by Status Summary Report.

Promotion By Sales Orders

This snapshot shows sales order income by promotion during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Sales Orders by Promotion Code Summary Report.


This snapshot shows the top prospects by projected value of estimates expected to closed during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Prospect Analysis Summary Report.

Referrer By Revenue

This snapshot shows the top referring websites by the revenue they deliver during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Referrer Summary Report.

Referrer By Visitors

This snapshot shows the top referring websites by the quantity of shoppers they deliver during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Referrer Summary Report.

Sales Reps By Activity

This snapshot shows the top sales reps by the number of sales activities they have initiated during the time period you select. Activities include events, tasks, notes, messages, and campaigns.

This snapshot is based on the Sales Activity by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Sales Reps By Forecast

This snapshot shows the top sales reps by forecast for the date range you select. The forecast includes:

  • total income and reimbursed expenses from customers

  • total value of open estimates that are set to be included in the forecast and are expected to close in the period you have selected

  • total value of open opportunities that are expected to close in the period you have selected and do not include an estimate that is set to appear in the forecast
    Note: The values of the estimates and opportunities that are included in the forecast depend on the preferences you have set at Setup > Sales > Preferences > Sales Preferences on the Forecasts subtab.

This snapshot is based on the Alt. Sales and Billings Forecast vs. Quota Report.

Sales Reps By Pipeline

This snapshot shows the top sales reps by pipeline. This snapshot includes open estimates and opportunities expected to close in the date range you select.

This snapshot is based on the Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Sales Reps By Sales

This snapshot shows the top-selling sales reps for the date range you select.

This snapshot is based on the Sales by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Sales Reps By Sales Orders

This snapshot shows the top-selling sales reps by sales orders for the date range you select.

This snapshot is based on the Sales Orders by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Sales Reps By Sales Orders Alt. Sales

This snapshot shows the sales reps with the greatest dollar amounts of sales orders, based on alternate sales amounts (ASA), for the date range you select.

This snapshot is based on the Sales Orders by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Sales Reps By Total Pipeline

This snapshot shows the top sales reps by total pipeline. This snapshot includes all estimates and opportunities that are open as of the date you select on the snapshot.

This snapshot is based on the Total Pipeline by Sales Rep Summary Report.

Support Reps By Closed Cases

This snapshot shows the top support reps by the quantity of closed cases during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Closed Case Analysis Summary Report.

Support Reps By Open Cases

This snapshot shows the top support reps by the quantity of open cases during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Open Case Analysis Summary Report.

Time by Employee

This snapshot shows the employees who have the most time recorded during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Time by Employee Summary Report.

Time by Item

This snapshot shows the service items with the most time recorded against them during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Time by Item Summary Report.

Time by Project

This snapshot shows the projects with the most time recorded against them during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Time by Customer Summary Report.

Total Open Estimates

This snapshot shows the estimates with the highest projected amounts that were open as of the date you select. Open estimates have a probability between 0% and 100% and have not been closed by an order or actual.

This snapshot is based on the Total Open Estimates Report.

Total Open Opportunities

This snapshot shows the opportunities with the highest projected amounts that were open as of the date you select. Open opportunities have a probability between 0% and 100% and have not been closed by an order or actual.

This snapshot is based on the Total Open Opportunities Detail Report.

Total Pipeline By Statuses

This snapshot shows the projected and weighted total of all the open estimates and opportunities for each customer status.

Only estimates that are marked to be included in forecasts are included in this report. Only opportunities that have not been converted to estimates or other transactions are included.

This snapshot is based on the Total Pipeline by Statuses Summary Report.


This snapshot shows the employees with the highest productivity during the date range you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Utilization by Employee report.

Web Items Ordered

This snapshot shows you the quantity of website orders by item during the period you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Item Orders Report.

Web Items Ordered By Unique Visitors

This snapshot shows the top items by quantity that were ordered from unique visitors in your website during the period you choose.

This snapshot is based on the Item Orders Report.

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