Printing Checks and Other Transactions

You can print transactions as you enter them, or you can print a group of similar transactions at the same time. Transactions can be printed in HTML or PDF format. This topic includes general instructions for printing transactions. For information about printing specific transactions or records, see the following help topics:

To print PDF files, you must install Adobe Reader. Visit the Adobe website to download the latest version at no charge.

Your administrator can customize the layout of your printed forms using Advanced PDF/HTML templates. For information, see Advanced PDF/HTML Templates.

If you print using PDF, files open in the default Adobe application. You can also download files and save them to print later. To do this, go to Home > Set Preferences and check the Download PDF Files box.

You can print transactions on blank paper, or you can purchase compatible customized checks and forms from the Forms Fulfillment Center, a NetSuite partner at


If the Multi-Language feature is enabled in your account, you can choose from different languages for printed transactions. However, only the system-supported languages available in user preferences are supported because pre-translated strings are provided for general terms in these languages. Additional languages that are available as company preferences are not supported for printed transaction forms, but they are supported for website translations. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.


To be able to print checks and other transaction, you need the View level of the Set Up Company permission.

To print an individual transaction from the transaction form:

  1. Open the transaction you want to print in edit or view mode.

  2. Click the Print icon.


    If you use the Multi-Language feature and have customers that use a different language than the one you set at Home > Set Preferences, when you point to the Print icon, you can select Print in Customer’s Locale to translate the transaction into the customer’s predefined language. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.

  3. To print:

    • If you print using HTML, click Print on your browser.

    • If you print using PDF, click Print in Acrobat Reader.

      If you have the Download PDF Files preference enabled at Home > Set Preferences > General, you must save the PDF to your computer and open it from there to print it.

Multiple printing

On each transaction record that you want to print, you must mark the record to be printed. To do this, check the To Be Printed box. The location of this box depends on the type of transaction. For example, on the check record, this box appears in the header of the record. For a purchase order, this box appears on the Messages subtab.

After you have saved the transaction records, you can print them all at one time.


To access the Print Checks and Forms page, you need the View level of the Print Checks and Forms permission.

To print multiple similar transactions:

  1. Go to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms.

  2. Click the name of the transaction you want to print.

  3. Check the box beside each transaction you want to print, or click Mark All to select and print all transactions in the list.

    If the list has multiple segments, use the From – To dropdown list to see a different set of records.

  4. Click Print.

    You can also hover over the print button and select Print in Customer’s Locale to translate the transaction into the customer's language. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.

  5. When the preview page opens:

    • If you print using HTML, click Print on your browser.

    • If you print using PDF, click Print in Acrobat Reader.

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