Printing a Picking Ticket
You can print a picking ticket for an order to indicate the items to pull from inventory to fulfill an order.
If Bin Management, Units of Measure, and Advanced Bin/Numbered Inventory Management are enabled, bin quantities on hand display in the base unit of measure.
You need Adobe Reader to print PDF forms. Visit the Adobe Web site to download the latest version at no charge. Next, in NetSuite, go to Home > Set Preferences, clear the Print Using HTML box and click Save.
To print a picking ticket:
Go to Transactions > Management > Print Checks and Forms.
On the Print Checks and Forms page, click Picking Tickets.
On the Print Picking Ticket page, you can filter the list in the Filter By field to show only orders with All Items Fully Committed or orders with at least Some Items Committed.
If you choose to Ignore Item Availability, all open orders show in the list.
If you use locations, select a location to print picking tickets for.
If you use the Multiple Shipping Routes feature, a picking ticket is generated for each shipping route. The Print Picking Tickets queue shows a separate line for each shipping route on the same order.
For more information, see Item Fulfillments and Multiple Shipping Routes.
Check the Allow Reprinting box to be able to reprint previously printed transactions.
When you check this box, all documents appear at the bottom of the page in segments.
Click Customize to include additional information on the page.
This additional information is not added to the printed picking ticket.
In the Print column, place a check mark next to the orders you want to print picking tickets for, or click Mark All to print picking tickets for all orders on the page.
Click the Print button.
Note:If you use the Multi-Language feature and have customers that use a different language than the one you set at Home > Set Preferences, when you point to the Print icon, you can select Print in Customer’s Locale to translate the transaction into the customer’s predefined language. For more information, see Configuring Multiple Languages.
If you are using Adobe Acrobat, click the printer button in the Adobe application frame.
A Print window opens.
Specify the printing details.
For example, if you want to print multiple copies of each picking ticket, specify the number.
Click OK.
Now, you can use picking tickets to pull the items you need to ship.
You can also print a picking ticket when viewing an order.
To view a sales order, go to Transactions > Sales > Enter Sales Orders > List and click View next to a sales order. Point to the print icon in the transaction header and select Print Picking Ticket.
To view a transfer order, go to Transactions > Inventory > Enter Transfer Orders > List.
NetSuite forms can be purchased from the NEBS Web site. You can print picking tickets on blank paper as well.