Searching for Help
When you have questions about NetSuite, you can search the NetSuite Help Center for help.
The header of the NetSuite Help Center Home page has a search area in the center. Your cursor starts in the search area when you open the Help Center.

Type a search term and press the Enter key to get a list of topics that most closely match your search.
If you do not find the topics you expect, or if your search returns too many results, try one of the following:
If you know the exact phrase, type it inside quotation marks.
Unless you know the exact words or phrases in a help topic, use general keywords or phrases to find a greater number of help topics.
Avoid phrasing your search as a question.
Look for links to related topics. Most topics include links to other help articles. Often these related topics are found at the bottom of the article.
Look through the table of contents to find the topic you want.
The search process for the NetSuite Help Center follows these general rules:
All words you type in the search area must match 66%.
An exact match within quotation marks appears first in the list of results, but other close matches are also listed.
The search looks for the stem of the words you type rather than their inflected forms. You do not have to try both the singular and plural of nouns, for example, or different verb forms.
Additionally, the search for the NetSuite Help Center supports search by synonyms and typo correction.
Related Topics
- Getting Help
- NetSuite Documentation Overview
- Accessing the Help Center
- Using the Help Center Window
- Getting Field-Level Help
- NetSuite Guided Learning
- Finding Out What's New in NetSuite
- SuiteAnswers Overview
- NetSuite Support
- Advanced Customer Support
- NetSuite Communities (User Groups)
- SuiteSuccess
- Voting for Enhancements
- Checking NetSuite System Status
- Finding Your NetSuite Release Version
- Oracle Help Center