Accessing the Help Center
Watch the following video to know how to access the help center.
The NetSuite help center contains the technical documentation that details how NetSuite features work. You can access the help center in a couple of different ways.
You can click the Help link in NetSuite on the header. The help center opens in a new tab. You must be logged in to NetSuite to open the help center.

Many pages in NetSuite have context-sensitive help topics. So, if you click the help link while viewing a page in NetSuite, the help topic for that page is displayed automatically when the Help Center opens.
Some pages, such as those provided by a SuiteApp, do not have context-sensitive help topics. So, if you click the help link on a page with no context-sensitive help, the help center displays the home page.
You can also open the help center and perform a search against it all in one step by using the Global Search field in NetSuite.
In the Global Search field, type Help: followed by the text you want to search for. For example, Help: Using the Help Center. The help center opens in a new window and shows you a list of topics matching your search criteria.

Related Topics
- Getting Help
- NetSuite Documentation Overview
- Using the Help Center Window
- Searching for Help
- Getting Field-Level Help
- NetSuite Guided Learning
- Finding Out What's New in NetSuite
- SuiteAnswers Overview
- NetSuite Support
- Advanced Customer Support
- NetSuite Communities (User Groups)
- SuiteSuccess
- Voting for Enhancements
- Checking NetSuite System Status
- Finding Your NetSuite Release Version
- Oracle Help Center