Using the Help Center Window
Watch the following video about how to use the help center.
The help center includes many features to help you find the information you need to work with NetSuite. For information about how to access the help center, see Accessing the Help Center.

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Search – To search for help topics for the pages and features of NetSuite, type a keyword or phrase in the Search field of the Help window, and press Enter. For more information, see Searching for Help. |
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Language Preference – If your account has the multi-language feature enabled, you can set your preference for the language displayed in the NetSuite Help Center using the dropdown list at the top right corner of the page. This language preference is independent of the language preference you specify for the NetSuite user interface. You can switch back and forth between languages in the Help Center, if desired. The next time you open the Help Center, it opens in the language of the preference last set. The following languages are available:
You can also set the language of the Help Center using the Set Preferences link. See Setting Personal Preferences, specifically, the entry for Language of the Help Center in the User Profile section. |
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Home – Click the home icon |
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SuiteAnswers – Click SuiteAnswers to go to the SuiteAnswers site. This page opens in a new tab. SuiteAnswers is a searchable repository of support solutions, best practices, training videos, and help topics. |
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Developers – Click Developers to view a list of resources for SuiteCloud and Commerce developers. |
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Videos – Click Videos to view a list of help videos that demonstrate how to perform specific tasks in NetSuite. When you click a link, you are redirected to the Oracle Learning Library to view the video. |
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Training – Click Training to go to the SuiteTraining site. This page opens in a new tab. It includes complete information about the courses and certification programs that are offered. |
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SuiteApps – Click SuiteApps to open a list of current SuiteApps. This page includes a link to where you can get information about SuiteApps developed by SDN Partners and other third parties. |
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User Guides – Click User Guides to open a list of available PDF files. These User Guides provide conceptual details and setup information for specific areas of NetSuite. Click the PDF icon beside the desired User Guide to launch the PDF in a new window. |
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New Release – Click New Release to open a page with links to Sneak Peeks, Release Notes, and other important information for the newest release of NetSuite. |
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Table of Contents – Click the arrows Click the Show in Table of Contents icon |
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Print Icon – Click Print icon |
Submit Feedback for Help and Search
When you view or search for help topics, you can submit feedback about the helpfulness of the topic content or search results.
At the bottom of search results, select Yes or No to answer whether the search results helped answer your question. Then click Submit Feedback.
At the bottom of help topics, rank the helpfulness of the topic from Five Stars for the most helpful to One Star for not helpful. Type suggestions and comments in the text box. Then click Submit Feedback.

Help Topic Navigation
Help topics often provide navigation steps to help you locate pages in your NetSuite account. In most cases this navigation provides the tab, heading, and link that are specific to the role you are logged in with.
Consequently, you may see different navigation for the same help topic if you use more than one role.
For example, Krista Barton is a sales rep who is assigned the standard Sales Rep role. When Krista reads a help topic about creating a customer record, she is directed to Customers > Relationships > Customers. If Krista was logged in with the Marketing Assistant role, the help topic would direct her to Leads > Relationships > Customers.
Sometimes, help topics may refer to pages in NetSuite that you do not have access to or to features that have not been enabled in your account. In these cases, the navigation steps are shown as if you were logged in as an account administrator.
For example, Krista is logged in with her Sales Rep role and wants to read about how marketing campaigns work in NetSuite. When reading a help topic on the creation of marketing campaigns, the navigation directs her to Lists > Marketing > Campaigns. This is the navigation she would see if she was logged in as an account administrator.
If you want access to a page in NetSuite you do not currently have permission to view, speak to your account administrator about assigning you a new role, customizing your existing role, or enabling features in your company's NetSuite account.
Related Topics
- Getting Help
- NetSuite Documentation Overview
- Accessing the Help Center
- Searching for Help
- Getting Field-Level Help
- NetSuite Guided Learning
- Finding Out What's New in NetSuite
- SuiteAnswers Overview
- NetSuite Support
- Advanced Customer Support
- NetSuite Communities (User Groups)
- SuiteSuccess
- Voting for Enhancements
- Checking NetSuite System Status
- Finding Your NetSuite Release Version
- Oracle Help Center