Giving Customers Access
NetSuite provides a standard role for customers. The Customer Center role lets customers view their estimates, orders, invoices, and payments. You can customize this role to adjust the level of permission for certain tasks in the center. For example, if you do not want customers to make payments from the Customer Center, you can set the level for Customer Payments to None instead of Edit.
For more information about giving access to customers, see the following:
Enable the Customer Access Feature
To allow customer access to NetSuite, a user with the Administrator role must first enable the Customer Access feature.
To enable the Customer Center:
Go to Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features.
On the Enable Features page, click the Web Presence subtab.
Check the Customer Access box.
Click Save.
When customer access has been enabled, roles can be assigned to customer users individually or by CVS import to give access to multiple customers.
Provide Access to Individual Customers
You can use customer records in NetSuite to give access to customers and assign roles.
Do not give access to unknown email addresses, or unknown customers. It is also unsafe to use generic email addresses like
You should use the Send New Access Notification Email feature that lets customers set up a NetSuite password for themselves. However, if you prefer to set their passwords yourself, use the procedure in Set a Customer’s Password Manually instead.
To assign a customer a role and provide access to NetSuite:
To revoke access, you should clear the Give Access box. If you want to inactivate all roles of the customer, and the customer is also a vendor, partner, or employee, you must revoke access and inactivate those records, too.
Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.
Click Edit next to the customer that you want to assign a role to.
In the Email field, enter the customer's email address.
The customer uses this email address to log in to NetSuite.
Click the Access subtab.
Click the Give Access box.
If you run multiple websites, you can restrict a customer’s login access to a specific website (for example, the website that the customer registered on). To assign a customer to a website, in the Assigned Web Site field, select a website. For more information, see Assign Customers to Websites.
To assign the standard Customer Center role, in the Role field, select Customer Center. If you customized the Customer Center role, select the name of the custom role. For more on customizing this role, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
Check the Send New Access Notification Email box to notify your customer of this new access. As of 2018.2, the new access notification email includes the user’s email address (used for logging in to NetSuite), the administrator’s email address, and explains login procedures. It also contains a URL so that the customer can set up a NetSuite password. The email containing the link is sent as secure email, and comes from NetSuite
.Note:The URL sent in the notification email expires, by default, in 24 hours after sending. A user with the Administrator role can change the number of hours of expiration. For more information, see the Help for the User Registration Link Expiration In Hours field at General Preferences.
To customize the email message, go to Setup > Company > System Email Templates. Next to Standard Customer Center Access Email, click Edit.
To assign individual logins to the customer's contacts, on the Access subtab, check the Access box next to the contacts you want to grant access to.
Note:If this is a new customer, you might need to save the record before you can view contacts on the Access subtab.
Make sure that an email address is listed for each of the contacts that you want to assign login access to.
Check the Manually Assign Password box and enter a password for each of the contacts.
Check the Notify box for the contacts that you want to notify by email.
For security reasons, the contact’s password is not included in the email message.
Click Save.
Set a Customer’s Password Manually
You should use the Send New Access Notification Email feature that lets customers set up a NetSuite password for themselves. However, if you prefer to set their passwords yourself, use the following procedure instead.
To set a customer’s password manually:
Go to Lists > Relationships > Customers.
Click Edit next to the customer that you want to assign a role to.
In the Email field, enter the customer's email address.
The customer uses this email address to log in to NetSuite.
Click the Access subtab.
Check the Give Access box.
If you run multiple websites, you can restrict a customer’s login access to a specific website (for example, the website that the customer registered on). To assign a customer to a website, in the Assigned Website field, select a website. For more information, see Assign Customers to Websites.
To assign the standard Customer Center role, in the Role field, select Customer Center. If you customized the Customer Center role, select the name of the custom role. For more on customizing this role, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.
Do not check the Send New Access Notification Email
Check the Manually Assign or Change Password box.
Enter and confirm the customer's password.
Note:When customers register on your website, the passwords they enter are saved here.
For details about password requirements, see NetSuite Password Requirements.
Click Save.
Next, tell your customer to go to your customer center login page. To find the URL, go to Setup > Company > Company Information in the Customer Center Login field. Your customer can log in with the email address and the password you entered on the customer’s record. Do not send the customer the password by email.
The customer can now use the email address and password to log in to your NetSuite account with the Customer Center role. Customers can log in to see their own sales orders, invoices, estimates, and payments.
After you save the record, you can preview the account. To preview the account, go to the Access subtab, and click the Log in as customer link.
You can use the preview to ensure the role given to the customer is set up correctly.
Use CSV Import to Provide Access to Multiple Customers
You can use the Import Assistant to provide access to your NetSuite account to a large set of customers at Setup > Import/Export > Import Tasks > Import CSV Records, without needing to individually update each customer record.
You must have the Import CSV File permission to complete this task. For general instructions for using the Import Assistant, see Importing CSV Files with the Import Assistant. For general information about setting up CSV files for import, see Guidelines for CSV Import Files. See also Boolean Values in CSV Files.
There are two procedures in this section. The preferred procedure uses CSV import to provide access to your NetSuite account to multiple customers without assigning passwords. The other procedure also uses CSV import to provide access to your NetSuite account, but requires that you assign a password for each customer.
Users with the Administrator role no longer need to create the initial passwords when giving access to users. You should use the following procedure to provide access, setting the value for the Send New Access Notification Email field to Yes. The standard access notification email includes a link that lets users create their own passwords for accessing NetSuite.
You should follow this procedure to provide access to your NetSuite account for multiple customers.
To provide access for existing customers:
Create a CSV file of customer data, with (at minimum) the following fields. You can include other fields in the CSV file, if necessary.
Unique ID – You should use the Internal ID for the customer record. For information about obtaining internal ID values, see Displaying Internal IDs. However, using the Customer ID is supported.
Email address – Required for NetSuite access. You can omit the value for customers whose email address is already populated in their NetSuite records.
Give Access – Set the value of this field to Yes for all customers included in your CSV file to which you want to provide access.
Send New Access Notification Email – Set this value to Yes. The notification email includes a link that lets customers create their own passwords for accessing NetSuite.
Role – For most customers, this value should be Customer Center.
Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.
In the Import Assistant, do the following:
Select an Import Type of Relationships.
Select a Record Type of Customers Only.
Click the Select button and browse to the CSV file you created.
Click Next.
Choose a Data Handling value of Update and click Next.
Map all of the fields listed in step 1 and any other required fields. Click Next.
For information about importing customer records, see Customers Only Import.
For information about mapping import fields, see CSV Field Mapping Tasks.
Give the import map a name and click Save & Run.
If you prefer to assign passwords to customers, as well as give them access to your NetSuite account, follow this procedure.
To provide access and assign passwords for existing customers:
Create a CSV file of customer data, with (at minimum) the following fields. You can include other fields in the CSV file, if necessary.
Unique ID – You should use the Internal ID for the customer record. For information about obtaining internal ID values, see Displaying Internal IDs. However, using the Customer ID is supported.
Email address – Required for NetSuite access. You can omit the value for customers whose email address is already populated in their NetSuite records.
Give Access – Set the value of this field to Yes for all customers included in your CSV file to which you want to provide access.
Manually Assign or Change Password – Set the value of this field to Yes.
Password – The minimum password length for customers is eight characters.
Confirm Password – The value must match the value set for Password.
Role – For most customers, this value should be Customer Center.
Go to Setup > Import/Export > Import CSV Records.
In the Import Assistant, do the following:
Select an Import Type of Relationships.
Select a Record Type of Customers Only.
Click the Select button and browse to the CSV file you created.
Click Next.
Choose a Data Handling value of Update and click Next.
Map all of the fields listed in step 1 and any other required fields. Click Next.
For information about importing customer records, see Customers Only Import.
For information about mapping import fields, see CSV Field Mapping Tasks.
Give the import map a name and click Save & Run.
Note:After the CSV import completes successfully, you must tell each customer the password you assigned. Do not send passwords by email.
Set the Customer Center Sales Order Form
When a customer views a sales order in the Customer Center, the form used to display the order depends on how the order was originally entered in NetSuite. You can determine the sales order form that is shown to Customer Center users.
For a sales order created in the Customer Center or entered directly into NetSuite, the order is displayed using the preferred sales order form defined at Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms at the time the order was saved.
For a sales order created through the Web Store, the order is displayed using the form that was defined at the time the order was saved in the Sales Order Type field on the Website record at Commerce > Websites > Website List on the Shopping subtab, Checkout Preferences.
If this form preference is changed, sales orders saved prior to the change are displayed using the originally saved form.
If your default external form is an invoice form instead of a cash sale, perform the following procedure to determine which fields show on the form.
To determine which fields show on the form:
Go to Customization > Forms > Transaction Forms.
Click Customize next to Standard Sales Order — Invoice.
Go to the Printing Fields subtab and check (or clear) the Print/Email box for fields you want to show (or not show.) The Printing Field subtab is displayed if you have the Basic printing type selected. For information about printing types, see Creating Custom Entry and Transaction Forms.
The Screen Fields subtab controls the appearance of the form when it is viewed from an internal role, such as Administrator.
Click Save.
Be aware of the following about marking a transaction or CRM form Preferred for Customer Center roles: External forms, meaning forms with names appended with (External), can be marked Preferred for Customer Center roles, but not for other roles. Forms that are not external cannot be marked as Preferred for Customer Center roles.