Vendor Users

Vendor access is supported if you have enabled the Vendor Access option on the Web Presence subtab at Setup > Company > Setup Tasks > Enable Features. If this feature is disabled, Vendor records do not include an Access subtab.

You can give vendors access by checking the Give Access box on the Access subtab of the Vendor record. You assign roles to a vendor on the Roles subtab of the Access subtab. Most roles in the system are available to vendors, and you can assign multiple roles per vendor. There may be a Vendor Center role available.

After you have set up vendors with access, you can return to their records and make changes to their assigned roles as necessary. The Access subtab includes a History subtab that lists changes made to role assignments.

For more information about setting up vendors, see Creating a Vendor Record, Assigning a Role to a Vendor, and The Vendor Center Role.

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