Setting General Account Preferences

To set up general preferences:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > General Preferences.

  2. Enter values and select text in preferences fields.

  3. Click Save when done.

To update or make changes to these preferences at any time, return to Setup > Company > General Preferences, make changes, and click Save.


Changes made to general preferences are captured in system notes. For more information, see Searching System Notes.

General Preferences



Date Format

Select the format for abbreviated dates.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

For more information, see Date Formats.

Long Date Format

Select the format for formal dates.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

For more information, see Date Formats.

Time Format

Select the format for time entries to display online and in printed forms.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Number Format

Select the format to display numbers entered on transaction forms and entity forms online. Users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. For more information, see Number Formats.

Negative Number Format

Select the format to display negative numbers entered on transaction forms and entity forms online. User can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. For more information, see Number Formats.

Phone Number Format

Select a default phone number format. When users enter phone numbers, they automatically change to this format. The format that you specify here is used on all online forms.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Use Phone Numbers Without the +1 International Country Calling Code

Check this box to display phone numbers without the +1 area code. This option can be selected for the purposes of improved backward compatibility.

First Day of Week

Select the day to begin each calendar week.


If you use Weekly Timesheets, updating the selected first day of the week will apply to any new timesheets. Existing timesheets will not be changed. This may result in shorter timesheets to accommodate the change.


Some reports in NetSuite recognize only Sunday as the first day of the week, regardless of the day you select for this preference.

Search Sorting

Select the alphabetical order to use when displaying search results. Select Language Specific to use the alphabetical order specific to your NetSuite language settings. Select English (U.S.) to use the U.S. English alphabetical order.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent overrides, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Add Primary Contact to Bill To Address

Check this box to add the primary contact for each entity to its Bill To address.

Use Last Name First for Employees

Check this box to list employees by last name first for tax and payroll purposes.

Use Last Name First for Entities

Check this box to list all entities (including contacts, customers, partners, and vendors) by last name first for tax and payroll purposes.


This preference applies to entity records defined as Individual (not Company) entered after the preference is set. You will need to do a mass update to set this preference for preexisting entity records.

Pre-Populate Contact Address

Check this box to automatically fill address fields with customer addresses for contacts created from customer record.

Show Employees as Contacts

Check this box to create a contact record for each employee record.


Be aware that enabling this preference can make changes to employee records visible in the audit trail to users with access to contact records. Do not enable this preference if you do not want users with access to contact records to be able to view employee record changes.

Show Display Name with Item Codes

Check this box to display both item name and display code when an item is selected on transactions and records.

Password Policy

Built-in password policies support three levels of password validation for NetSuite users. These policies enforce the following requirements for password length and content:

  • Strong: minimum length of 10 characters, at least 3 of these four character types — uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, non-alphanumeric ASCII characters

  • Medium: minimum length of 8 characters, at least 2 of these four character types — uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, non-alphanumeric ASCII characters

  • Weak (You should not choose a weak policy.): minimum length of 6 characters


The selected password policy determines the minimum acceptable value for the Minimum Password Length field. The policy does not affect the Password Expiration in Days field value.

All NetSuite accounts are set to a Strong policy by default. For more information, see NetSuite Password Requirements.

Minimum Password Length

The Minimum Password Length is the minimum number of characters required for user passwords. The default value for this field is determined by the selected password policy. Because the default password policy is Strong, the default Minimum Password Length is 10 characters.

You can, if wanted, make the minimum password length value longer than the minimum required by the policy. You cannot make this value shorter.

If any users in your account have the View Unencrypted Credit Cards permission, a Strong policy is required. In these cases, you cannot change the default Password Policy value.


The users with the View Unencrypted Credit Cards permission have a special 12 characters Minimum Password Length requirement.

Passwords for new users logging in with the Customer Center role, and for website shoppers, require a minimum of 6 characters. Passwords for Customer Center users and website shoppers who existed before that release were not affected by this change.

For more information, see NetSuite Password Requirements.

Password Expiration in Days

Enter the number of days that users can continue to log in to your NetSuite account before they are prompted to change their password.


As of December 10, 2015, valid values are 1-365. Values entered before that date are not affected by this limit. However, if any data on the General Preferences page is changed, only valid values within this range will be accepted for the Password Expiration in Days field. For accounts provisioned after this date, the value for Password Expiration in Days is set to 180 days by default.

Days are calculated from the date that each user last changed their password, not from the date that the company preference is changed. Dates of the previous password change and current password expiration are displayed in the user’s My login audit portal.


You should set a value for Password Expiration in Days to ensure that the Password Policy is applied to existing users.

  • Employees using a role with the View Unencrypted Credit Card permission are prompted to update passwords at least every 90 days, unless the value set here is less than 90 days.

  • You can enable the Require Password Change on Next Login option on employee records; or you can use CSV import to update this option on many employee records at one time.


The value set in the Password Expiration in Days field is not applied to Customer Center users’ passwords.

For more information, see NetSuite Password Requirements.

User Registration Link Expiration In Hours

The number of hours before the URL for new user access provisioning will expire. The default value is 24 hours. Valid values range from one (1) hour to 72 hours.

The default value, 24 hours, is hard-coded in the in the following standard user access email templates:

  • Customer Center Access Email

  • Partner Center Access Email

  • Vendor Center Access Email

  • User Access Email

If you change the default value in General Preferences, you must also update the value in the user access email templates.

Idle Session Timeout In Minutes

The number of minutes that a user's NetSuite user interface session can be idle before locking the user's session. The default value is 180 minutes (3 hours).

Valid values range from 15 minutes to 720 minutes (12 hours).

Internal Web Site

Select the site from which tabs can be published to the internal centers.

Allow Free-Form States in Addresses

Check this box to allow the entry of free-form text in State/Province fields.

  • When this preference is enabled, the State/Province field is a free-form text field. You can type any text into the field, and it is not converted to standard state or province identifiers. The text you enter is stored on the record or transaction.

  • When this preference is disabled, the State/Province field is a list where you can choose from standard U.S. States and Canadian Provinces. Any text you enter is converted to standard state or province identifiers.


If you enable this preference, you must enter the two-letter abbreviation for the state or province for the system to properly determine the transaction nexus. If you use the full name of the state or province, the system will not be able to determine the correct transaction nexus.

This preference affects the State/Province field on entity records, location records and transactions. It also affects the search fields on entity, location, and transaction searches.

This preference does not affect Web store address entries or UPS and FedEx shipping. UPS and FedEx look exclusively at the Zip Code and Country fields to determine shipping rates.

Use State Abbreviations in Addresses

Check this box to use the standard abbreviations for states in address fields and labels.

If you clear this box, the full name of the state is used.

Company Logo Folder

Select the File Cabinet folder where your company (and for OneWorld accounts, subsidiary) logo is or will be stored.

This selection determines the files that are listed in the Company Logo (Forms) and Company Logo (Pages) on the Setup > Company > General Preferences page.

In OneWorld accounts, these files are also listed in the Subsidiary Logo (Forms) on the Setup > Company > Subsidiaries > Subsidiary page. The logo selected on the Setup Company Information page is used for the main subsidiary. Logos for other subsidiaries can be set on their Subsidiary pages.

Customer Center Login Page

If you have a custom login page for users with Customer Center roles, select the HTML file for that login page here.

For more information, see Creating Custom Pages for Login to Your NetSuite Account.

Default Role for New Customers

Select the role assigned by default to customers granted NetSuite access.

This role displays on the Access tab when Customer records are edited.

Customer Center Welcome Message

Enter the message to display to users of the Customer Center.

When a customer is logged in, this message is followed by the customer's name. When no customer is logged in, it is followed by “Guest”.

Show Help Link in Customer Center

Clear this box to remove the online help link so it is not visible to Customer Center users.

By default, this box is checked and the help link is available.

This preference does not affect any other centers.

Horizontal Labels

Check this box to display labels to the left of fields on record pages. By default labels appear above fields.

Delay Loading of Sublists

Check this box to delay loading of information shown on subtabs until they are clicked. Enabling this preference decreases page-load times.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Screen Font

By default, the font is Open Sans. Select the default font for text displayed in online pages.

By default, users can override this preference on the Appearance subtab at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Landing Page

Select a tab created by a custom Suitelet deployment to be the first page displayed when users log into this NetSuite account. This preference overrides any user-defined landing page preferences for a standard or custom center tab set at Home > Set Preferences. If both this preference and the user landing page preference are unset, the user's Home page is the initial landing page.

The list of available landing pages includes all deployed Suitelets, by their deployment IDs. This list does not include Suitelets that do not have at least one deployment.

This preference is intended for use in cases where an initial account setup assistant is displayed for account setup and configuration.

Number of Rows in List Segments

When users look at a long list in NetSuite, the list is divided into segments. Enter the maximum number of records for each segment.

For example, if you have 200 customers and you would like them to be displayed in groups of 25 per page, then set the segment size to 25. To see the next set of 25, users can click the Next icon. Click the Previous icon to return to previous segments of the list.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Maximum Entries in Dropdowns

Enter the maximum number of records to display in lists. After a list has reached the limit you set here, the list will pop up in a window of its own. The highest number you can enter is 500.

If you always want lists to pop up, set the maximum to zero. If you always want lists to be lists, set the maximum to 500.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.


The Case/Task/Event field for time transactions is displayed as a list only if the sum of all company-wide case, task, and event records is less than 5000 and less than the number entered here. Roles that can enter time transactions on behalf of other employees will always have a pop-up field displayed.

Log System Notes on Update Only

This preference prevents NetSuite from logging system notes when records are created. When this preference is set, system notes are generated only when records are updated. Record creation system notes are not needed because data is available in the newly created record itself.

This preference was added in 2012.2. By default, it is enabled in all accounts as of that release or later, and disabled in all accounts that existed before that release.

You should enable this option in all accounts, to provide storage savings and performance improvements.

Before you enable this option, you should first review any saved searches containing system notes fields, as these searches may use data from record creation system notes. If your account includes searches that rely on record creation system notes, you can either revise the searches before enabling the Log System Notes on Update Only option, or you can leave this option disabled.

For custom transaction body fields, if the Log System Notes on Update Only preference is not set, and you have the View access level to a field, the default value of your custom transaction body field is displayed in system notes fields when you create a transaction search. For more information, see Searching System Notes.

Show Quick Add Row on Lists

Check this box to allow quick add on direct editable lists. Quick add allows users to create new records from lists and only add basic information. Users can turn this preference off on individual lists.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Show List When Only One Result

Check this box to return search results as a list when there is only one record in results. By default, NetSuite opens the individual record when there is only one record in search results.


When this preference is enabled, NetSuite no longer automatically selects a single result from the suggestion list.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Override box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Default Customer Type

Choose whether new customers are classified as individuals or companies by default.

For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last names are used.

Default Lead Type

Choose whether new Leads are classified as individuals or companies by default.

For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last names are used.

Default Vendor Type

Choose whether new vendors are classified as individuals or companies by default.

For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last names are used.

Default Partner Type

Choose whether new partners are classified as individuals or companies by default.

For companies, company names are used. For individuals, first and last names are used.

Auto Name Customers

Check this box to cause the Auto box on customer records to be checked by default, so that the customer ID is copied from the customer name.

When the Auto box is not checked, users can enter the ID rather than have it copied from the name.

Auto Inactivate Contacts with Customers

When a customer is made inactivate, automatically inactive the customer’s contacts.

Show Individuals as Contacts

Check this box to create a contact record for every individual-type customer record.

Hide Attachment Folders

Check this box if you want the default attachment folders to only show in the File Cabinet for administrators. All roles will still have access to files that are attached to customers and other records.

The following folders are affected:

  • Attachments Received

  • Attachments Sent

  • Mail Merge

For more information, read Hiding Attachment Folders.

Hide File Cabinet Hierarchical Info

Check this box to disable the calculation and display of folder sizes in the File Cabinet. Checking this box results in better performance.

Assign Tasks to Partners

Check this box to make it possible for tasks to be assigned to partners.


Before a task can be assigned to a partner, the Assign Tasks box on the Info subtab of the partner's record must be checked.

Email Employee on Approvals

Check this box to automatically send email messages to employees when their supervisors approve their purchase requests, expense reports, and time transactions.

Maintenance Complete Email Notification

Check this box to cause email messages to be sent automatically to all active account administrators when scheduled account maintenance is complete.

Show Reports in Grid

Check this box to display reports in a grid format by default.

By default, users can override this preference at Home > Set Preferences. To prevent this, clear the Allow Overrides box for this preference on the Overriding Preferences subtab.

Collapse VSOE Column by Default on Sales Transactions

Check this box to collapse the VSOE column for sales transactions such as sales orders, invoices, and cash sales.

Time Selectors Use Fiscal Calendars Based on First Month

When this box is checked, date range selectors for fiscal elements (for example, this fiscal year) account for the First Fiscal Month setting in Setup > Company > Company Information.

When this box is not checked, time selectors strictly reflect definitions for accounting years, quarters, and periods, as defined in the custom Fiscal Calendar.

For example, a company has a custom Fiscal Calendar for 2014 aligned with business weeks. The calendar starts on the first Monday of March, which falls on March 3, 2014 and ends on March 1, 2015. The First Fiscal Month is set to March. If the Time Selectors Use Calendars Based on First Month box is checked, the this fiscal year selector returns a date range from March 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015. If the box is not checked, this selector returns a date range of March 3, 2014 to March 1, 2015.

Web Site Hosting Files Always Available

This box is checked by default. It affects how files in the Web Site Hosting Files Folder are made available online. This is a global setting that can override the Available Without Login setting on individual file records.

  • When the box is checked, your settings for the Available Without Login boxes on individual files are ignored. Files stored in the Web Site Hosting Files Folder are accessible for any URL listed on the file.

  • When the box is cleared, your settings for the Available Without Login boxes on individual files are recognized and applied. You can clear the Available Without Login box on individual files stored in the Web Site Hosting Files folder to make them unavailable on a shopping domain.

For more information, see Making Web Site Hosting Files Always Available.

SuiteBundle Files Always Available

This box is checked by default. It affects how files in the SuiteBundles folder are made available online. This is a global setting that can override the Available Without Login setting on individual file records.

  • When the box is checked, your settings for the Available Without Login boxes on individual files are ignored. Files stored in the SuiteBundles folder are accessible for any URL listed on the file.

  • When the box is cleared, your settings for the Available Without Login boxes on individual files are recognized and applied.

For more information, see Making Web Site Hosting Files Always Available.

Show Transaction Numbering Setup

Check this box to display the Transaction Numbers subtab at Setup > Company > Auto-Generated Numbers.

Auto-generated numbers for transaction records are internal numbers that cannot be overwritten. These are unique, gapless numbers that are generated when transaction records are created.

This box also affects Global search results. When checked, searching for a number will return results for both that document number and transaction number. When cleared, Global searches only search by Document numbers.

Setup of internal transaction numbers requires that this box be checked. By default, this box is not checked.

For more information about transaction numbers, see Auto-Generated Transaction Numbers. For details about auto-generated numbering, see Set Auto-Generated Numbers.

Create Automatic Memorized Transactions as –System-

Check this box to list the user who created a memorized transaction as –System- when NetSuite creates a memorized transaction.

Clear this box to list the last user who edited the memorized transaction definition when NetSuite creates a memorized transaction.


The last user to update the memorized transaction definition is visible in the memorized transaction definition.

This box is not checked by default on new accounts.


When set, this preference does not support server-side scripting. If you want to use server-side scripting and SuiteFlow on transactions, clear this box.

Changes to this preference take effect when you create a new memorized transaction definition or you edit and save an existing one.

For more information about memorized transactions and definitions, see Memorized Transactions.

Web Site Duplicate Email Management

Select whether website duplicate email detection feature is enabled.

Website Duplicate Email Detection feature prevents web store shoppers from creating duplicate customer accounts on your website. For details, see Detect Duplicate Customer Email.

Asynchronous Project Plan Recalculation

Check this box to enable your project plans to recalculate in the background when time is tracked against that project.

When project plans recalculate asynchronously, you maintain access to NetSuite and your project plans during recalculation.


Because recalculations are asynchronous, project plan data may be out of date when accessed before the recalculations are complete.

When the recalculation is complete, the updated project plan is displayed the next time it is opened. If the recalculation fails for any reason, a warning appears at the top of the project the next time it is opened.

Show Project in New UI

Check this box if you want Project Management feature to show in new user interface, released in NetSuite 2021.1. The new UI includes following enhancements:

  • Customized Tasks and Task Hierarchy

  • Streamlined Record Creation and Editing

  • Improved Record Viewing

Clear this box to return to the original UI.


This preference may not be compatible with some customizations and scripts. Test the behavior of the new UI to ensure the enhancements do not impact your existing scripts and integrations.

When this preference is enabled and you are editing a record in the new UI, you cannot use SuiteScript 1.0 code in the developer console of your browser to load records or access detailed record information. If you want to use this approach (for example, for debugging purposes), use SuiteScript 2.0 code instead.

Allow Subsidiary Hierarchy To Be Modified [Max: 30 Days]

Specify a period during which authorized users can modify the subsidiary hierarchy. The maximum number of days is 30.

Execute SuiteScript 2.x Server Scripts As

Select the version of SuiteScript to run SuiteScript 2.x scripts as.

You can use this preference to change the version of SuiteScript that is used to run all SuiteScript 2.x scripts in your account. Using this preference, you can run all SuiteScript 2.x scripts as SuiteScript 2.1 scripts without changing the version specified in the script file. Use this preference to test your existing SuiteScript 2.x scripts and make sure they work as expected using SuiteScript 2.1. This preference applies to all scripts with an @NApiVersion value of 2.x.

For more information, see SuiteScript 2.1.

Enable Legacy Subsidiary Restrictions (OneWorld Only)

Check this box to revert the role behavior of active and inactive subsidiaries to the 2018.2 state.

Only Administrators or users with the Set Up Company permission can check this box.


The Enable Legacy Subsidiary Restrictions is a temporary preference that will be removed in a future release. As such, you should only use the preference as a temporary solution.

For more information, see Customizing or Creating NetSuite Roles.

Preferred Subcustomer Form

Select the form to use by default when subcustomers are created.

Related Topics

General Notices