Viewing Workflow Activity

When a workflow runs on a record, SuiteFlow records the information about the workflow instance activity for the record. You can use this information when you test and troubleshoot workflows. NetSuite displays the activity on the Active Workflows and Workflow History tabs and in the workflow execution log. You can access the workflow information from any record that the workflow ran against.

The following table describes the workflow activity information generated by NetSuite:



When to Use

Active Workflows Subtab

Current workflow instances running on a record. After a workflow completes, it no longer appears on this tab.

Use the Active Workflows subtab when you want to see which workflow instances are running on a specific record.

Workflow History Subtab

Displays all states entered by the workflow instance. Includes all current and past state visits. Any state visit stays on this tab for the life of the record.

Use the Workflow History subtab to get more information about each state visited by the workflow, and to view the workflow execution log.

Workflow Execution Log

All actions and transitions that executed for a state on a record. Deleted every 60 days. Appears if you enable logging for the workflow and have the administrator permission on the workflow, or if the state generated errors.

Use the workflow execution log when you test and troubleshoot a workflow, to see which actions and transitions ran or did not run for a state visit.

Workflow change logs in System Notes

Workflow revisions are logged in System Notes. Workflow revisions increment each time a change is made to a workflow. You can view workflow revision numbers by performing System Notes searches. The results of system notes searches display only the workflow revision number. For more detailed information about the revisions listed in search results, go to the Workflow Definition Page History Subtab of the workflow the change was logged for. For more information about system notes searches, see Searching System Notes.


You cannot access System Notes for workflows on the System Notes tab of a workflow record. System Notes can be accessed only from a System Notes search.

Perform a System Notes search to see if changes have been made to a workflow.

In addition, if errors occur during the scheduled workflow processing, NetSuite sends an email to the owner of the workflow with the error messages in the body of the email. For more information, see Error Handling for Scheduled Workflows.


To view workflow activity, users must have the Workflow permission assigned to their roles and SuiteFlow must be enabled in their accounts. For details, see Required Permissions for SuiteFlow.

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