Workflow History Subtab

Use the Workflow History subtab to get more information about the states visited by workflow instances on a record. The subtab lists all states entered by the workflow, including any state that the workflow is currently in. A workflow state and the associated workflow execution log appears on the Workflow History subtab each time that the workflow enters a state. The state visit stays on the subtab for the life of the record, whereas the workflow execution log is deleted every 60 days.

For example, a workflow has 3 states: State 1, State 2, and State 3. A record enters the workflow in State 1 and then transitions to State 2. From State 2, the workflow transitions back into State 1, and has not entered State 3. Consequently, the states appear in the following order: 1, 2, 1.

To access the Workflow History subtab, select the record that the workflow instance ran on, click the System Information tab, and then click the Workflow History subtab.

The following screenshot shows the Workflow History subtab:

The Workflow History subtab in Default view mode. In addition to other workflow information, the subtab lists the workflows and the time and date a record enters and exits a state.

The following table describes the default columns displayed on the Workflow History tab:




Name of the workflow.

State Name Info

The name of the state in the workflow. This column also indicates any state that was deleted or renamed after the workflow exited the state. For more information, see Deleted and Renamed States.

Date Entered State

Date and time when the record entered the state.

Date Exited State

Date and time when the record exited the state. If the value is empty, the record is currently in the state.


Lists any custom fields associated with the state. Includes workflow fields and state fields. For more information about creating and using custom fields, see Workflow Custom Fields.


Enables you to access the workflow execution log. Click Log to open the workflow execution log in a new window. For more information, see Workflow Execution Log.


If a workflow was canceled, this column shows the user name of the user who canceled the workflow when the workflow was in the state.

Note that errors are not logged on the History subtab. This is because when an error occurs during a workflow’s execution, the workflow is rolled back and the instance of the workflow no longer exists in the database. As such, errors cannot be logged for an instance of a workflow that no longer exists in the database.

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