Customizing Issue Notification Email

You can customize the email sent to customers and employees to notify them of changes to issue records.

You can choose which issue notification templates to use at Setup > Issues > Preferences > Issue Preferences.

You can create custom templates at Setup > Company > Email > System Email Templates. Custom templates are scriptable, allowing you to add information from the issue record or a support case associated with the issue.

There are two standard templates available:

To customize a template:

  1. Go to Setup > Company > Email > Sytem Email Templates.

  2. Click New Template to create an entirely new template, or click Edit next to a template to make changes to an existing template.

  3. On the Templates subtab, enter the subject of the email sent using this template.

  4. To upload an html file to use as the template, select File and then select New.

    NetSuite uploads your file to your File Cabinet.

  5. To create the template using the rich text editor, enter your text in the rich text field.

  6. To insert a reference to a field in the email notification, select Issue or Case from the Record Type field. Then, choose the field you would like to include from the Insert Field.

  7. Complete steps 4-6 for each language your company uses.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can set up a template for each subsidiary. To do this, open the subsidiary record. On the Preferences subtab, click the Issues subtab, and select the customer and employee templates.

For more information about scriptable templates, see Scriptable Templates.

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General Notices