Manufacturing Operation Tasks

After you save a WIP work order that has a designated routing, manufacturing operation tasks are created based on the routing.

Each of these tasks is a step that must be done for the assembly process to finish. After work for the task has been done, manufacturing operators can log progress against each task on a work order completion form.

To view a list of operation tasks:

  1. Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders > List.

  2. Click View next to the work order.

  3. Click the Operations subtab.

    The following links are displayed in the Work Order Operations table:

    • Edit – opens the editable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.

    • Operation Sequence – opens the viewable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.

    • Operation Name – opens the viewable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.

    • Manufacturing Work Center – opens the viewable Static Employee Group popup window.

    • Predecessor – opens the viewable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.


You can also modify tasks from the work order. Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders > List. Click Edit next to the work order to be edited. Then click the Operations subtab to view a list of operation tasks.

Add or Delete Tasks

From the work order Operations subtab, you can add a new operation task or you can delete an existing task. However, you can add or delete only the last task in the sequence.

Example: you have operation tasks with these sequence numbers: 10, 20, 30, 40.

  • You can add a new task with a sequence number 41.

  • You cannot add a new task with a sequence number 21.

  • You can delete task sequence number 40.

  • You cannot delete task sequence number 20.

After task records are created, you can open and modify them individually. For more information, see Manufacturing Operation Task.

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