Manufacturing Operation Tasks
After you save a WIP work order that has a designated routing, manufacturing operation tasks are created based on the routing.
Each of these tasks is a step that must be done for the assembly process to finish. After work for the task has been done, manufacturing operators can log progress against each task on a work order completion form.
To view a list of operation tasks:
Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders > List.
Click View next to the work order.
Click the Operations subtab.
The following links are displayed in the Work Order Operations table:
Edit – opens the editable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.
Operation Sequence – opens the viewable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.
Operation Name – opens the viewable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.
Manufacturing Work Center – opens the viewable Static Employee Group popup window.
Predecessor – opens the viewable Manufacturing Operation Task popup window.
You can also modify tasks from the work order. Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders > List. Click Edit next to the work order to be edited. Then click the Operations subtab to view a list of operation tasks.
Add or Delete Tasks
From the work order Operations subtab, you can do the following:
You can add a new task with any sequence number.
You can edit existing operations with the "Not Started" status to change their sequence numbers to any value.
You can delete any operation task with the "Not Started" status.
To delete a task, click Edit. Then, select Delete under Actions and click OK in the confirmation message to remove the task.
After task records are created, you can open and modify them individually. For more information, see Manufacturing Operation Task.
Related Topics
- Manufacturing Routing
- Setting Up Manufacturing Routing
- Work Center Calendars
- Creating a Manufacturing Routing
- Manufacturing Routing and Work Orders
- Supply Planning and Routing
- Production Scheduling Methods Overview
- Manufacturing Routing Completions and Time Entry
- Manufacturing Routing Costing
- Work Instructions and Traveler