Manufacturing Routing and Work Orders
If you use manufacturing routing and work centers, you can use routings on work orders to manage your assembly process.
The routing you use on a work order is a template that describes the required steps to build an assembly item. The routing determines the work center, cost template, labor resources, and machine resources to use during assembly.
For more information, see Setting Up Manufacturing Routing.
To use routing on a work order:
Create a new work order.
For more information, see Entering an Individual Work Order.
In the Classification section, select a Location.
If you use NetSuite OneWorld, select a subsidiary.
Check the WIP (Work In Process) box.
When you designate a routing as WIP, NetSuite uses WIP accounting to issue materials in the designated WIP account.
For more information, see Manufacturing Work In Process (WIP).
Select a Manufacturing Routing option.
NetSuite displays the default assembly routing based on the location. However, you can select a different routing.
For more information, see Creating a Manufacturing Routing.
Click Save.
The following subtabs are displayed:
The Items subtab shows components that are issued.
The Operations subtab shows all operation tasks required for a particular assembly run.
Operation tasks are created based on the routing. These tasks define the list of steps that must be completed to finish the assembly process. Tasks can be viewed and edited from the work order Operations subtab.
For more information, see the following help topics:
Work Order Quantity Changes
If you change the assembly item quantity on the work order and then re-save it, the Operations subtab information updates to reflect the changes. For example, entering a higher quantity on the work order results in more required time to complete the run.
Routing and Time Zones
The associated work calendar applies for all routing work orders created.
If you do not use NetSuite OneWorld, the schedule time zone is based on the time zone selected for the company.
For more information, see Configuring Company Information.
If you do use NetSuite OneWorld, the schedule time zone is based on the time zone of the subsidiary selected on the work order.
Planned Time Subtab
When you use Manufacturing Routing and Work Center and set the Show Planned Capacity on Work Orders preference, note the following. Work orders show a Planned Time subtab. This subtab details work allocated to each work center. In addition, NetSuite automatically generates planned time entries. For more information, see Setting Routing Preferences.
Related Topics
- Manufacturing Routing
- Setting Up Manufacturing Routing
- Work Center Calendars
- Creating a Manufacturing Routing
- Manufacturing Operation Tasks
- Supply Planning and Routing
- Production Scheduling Methods Overview
- Manufacturing Routing Completions and Time Entry
- Manufacturing Routing Costing
- Work Instructions and Traveler