Manufacturing Operation Task
For any work order with a status of Pending Build, you can make changes to operation tasks on the order. For example, due to specifications particular to one order, you may need to change information defaulted on tasks from the routing template.
After work is logged against the order and the status is In Process, you can no longer edit the operation tasks.
On individual task records, you can view the following:
Manufacturing charge items – Charge items are derived from the routing template, but can be modified as necessary for individual orders.
Estimated time required for completion
When you enter a setup time or run time on the task record, these times are planned estimates and are used for scheduling. It is only after completion time is entered against a task is the actual time updated in the Actual Hours field.
Task dependencies are assigned based on the numeric order of the operation sequence and are not editable.
To edit operation tasks:
Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Manufacturing Operations Tasks.
Click Edit next to the operation you want to modify.
You can enter a new Operation Name.
Note:When you modify task settings, labor and machine scheduling reflects calculations based on the new entries after you save the task changes.
The following fields Primary Information are not editable:
The Work Order identifier related to this operation task.
The Insert Before field identifies the next step in the sequence.
The operation sequence Status. For example, Not Started, Started, Completed.
You can enter any additional Comments that you want to accompany this operation task. For example, "use Shimano spokes when Bontrager spokes are not available."
The following Operation Overview fields are not editable:
NetSuite calculates Estimated Hours as the expected time to complete a task based on total setup time +quantity x run rate.
Actual Hours displays the time in hours it took to complete this task.
The Remaining Hours of work needed to complete this task are displayed.
Input Quantity represents the number of items entered or created during this task.
Completed Quantity is the total number of items created during this task.
You can change the operation Setup Time (in minutes) for the working day as defined in the work calendar.
You can change the operation Run Rate (in minutes). This is the amount of time required to complete a run and produce one unit.
The following Operation Schedule fields are not editable:
The Start Date represents the date you expect to begin assembly production. This field defaults to today's date.
End Date is the date you expect to complete assembly production. This field defaults to today's date plus lead time.
Check the Auto–Calculate Lag box if you want NetSuite to calculate lag times for operation tasks. For more information, see the Autocalculate Lag help topic.
Unless it is the first operation, you can change operations overlapping in the Predecessors subtab. For more information, see the Operations Overlap help topic.
Click Save.
Work Order Operation Start and End Dates
Operation Start Date is set to the start time for the working day as defined in the working calendar.
To set an Operation End Date, the remaining operation time is added to the operation start of the next working day after the completed time.
When the remaining time exceeds the available working time, any outstanding time is added to the beginning of the next working calendar working day.
Completions on Non-Working Days
Operation Start Date is set to the start time for the working day as defined in the working calendar.
To set an Operation End Date, the remaining operation time is added to the start of the next working day as defined in the working calendar.
You can also modify tasks from the work order. Go to Transactions > Manufacturing > Enter Work Orders > List. Click Edit next to the work order to be edited. Click the Operations subtab to view a list of operation tasks.