Setting Up Item Pricing
Use the following procedure to set up pricing for items.
To set up pricing for items:
Open an item record in edit mode, and then click the Sales/Pricing subtab.
Note:To let customers choose the amount of an item, such as a donation or a gift certificate, do not complete this subtab. Instead, click the Store subtab, and then check the Variable Amount box.
If you enter a price on the Sales/Pricing subtab, and then check the Variable Amount box, the price you set is the default amount.
Under Pricing, if you use quantity pricing schedules, select the pricing schedule you want to use to set prices for this item. Selecting a pricing schedule sets the Use Marginal Rates and Calculate Quantity Discounts fields.
You can create pricing schedules at Lists > Accounting > Quantity Pricing Schedules > New.
Check the Use Marginal Rate box if you want the quantity discounts in the schedule to be applied to each pricing bracket separately.
For example, a schedule offers no discount for the first 100 items sold and a 5% discount if more than 100 are sold. If 150 items are sold, the first 100 are at normal price, and the other fifty items are sold at 5% discount.
Leave this box clear if you want the discount to apply to all of the items sold.
In the Calculate Quantity Discounts field, choose how to determine the quantity for pricing:
By Line Quantity -pricing is applied according to the quantity included in the line item.
By Overall Item Quantity -pricing is applied for all line items for the same item on a transaction.
By Overall Parent Quantity -pricing is applied for all items with the same parent item on the transaction. This can be useful for applying quantity pricing to matrix items.
By Overall Schedule Quantity -pricing is applied to all items that use the same pricing schedule that are included in the transaction.
In the Pricing Group field, select the pricing group this item is a member of. Using pricing groups enables you to assign customer-specific price levels for a group of items.
Click Save.