Updating Item Prices

You can quickly update price changes to your items.

You can update up to 10,000 items with a single mass update. For more information, see Defining a Mass Update.


This action cannot be undone.


During a mass update of a large volume of data, old prices may be visible.

To update prices:

  1. Go to Lists > Mass Update > Update Prices.

  2. On the Update Prices page, in the Amount field, enter a negative or positive amount for the price change.

    You can enter a currency amount or a percent in this field.

  3. In the Based on field, choose what you want to base this price change on:

    • Existing Price – The existing price for each price level is updated.


      For the price update to be applied to all price levels, you must set the Based on field to Existing Price.

    • Average Cost – The price is adjusted based on the average cost of the items selected.

    • Most Recent Cost – Adjustment is based on the most recent cost of the items selected.

    • Entered Cost – Adjustment is based on the purchase price entered on the item record.

  4. In the Price Levels field, select the price levels you want to change.

    When this page first appears, not all price levels are selected.

  5. In the Rounding field, select rounding options:

    • None – this will not round your price update

    • To nearest – this rounds your prices to the nearest dollar

    • Round up – this rounds your prices up

  6. In the Round To field, select the way in which you want to round.

    For example, you are increasing your inventory items by $2. You want them to round to even dollar prices. You would select Even Dollar from the list.

  7. Check the Public box if you want to make this mass update available to everyone else with access to your account.

  8. On the Criteria subtab, set search criteria for the items you want to change prices for.

  9. On the Results subtab, choose how you want the search results to show.

  10. Click Preview if you want to look at the changes before submitting them.

  11. Click Save.

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