Using Multiple Prices or Currencies

You can use multiple prices and currencies if you use the Multiple Prices or Multiple Currencies features.

To use multiple prices:

  1. Enter a base price for this item as the default price for transactions.

  2. Enter alternative prices for this item. You can assign alternate price levels to certain customers, such as privileged or club customers.

    You can rename and create new price levels at Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists. Select Price Levels in the Type field.

  3. Enter an online price for the default item price in the web store.

  4. If you use quantity pricing, set the number of items required for a new price break in the Qty fields. Then, enter the corresponding price per item below it.

To use multiple currencies:

  1. In the Currency column, select your a currency.

  2. In the Amount column, enter a price for this assembly for this currency.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Repeat these steps to add prices for additional currencies.

    You can only enter one price for each currency.

    To create new currency records, go to Lists > Accounting > Currencies > New.

To use multiple prices and multiple currencies:

  1. In the Price Level column, select a price level.

    You can rename and create new price levels at Setup > Accounting > Setup Tasks > Accounting Lists. Select Price Levels in the Type field.

    If you have set a default discount percentage for a price level, it appears in the Default Discount % column.

  2. In the Currency column, select a currency for this price level.

    To create new currency records, go to Lists > Accounting > Currencies > New.

  3. In the Amount column, enter a price for this price level and currency.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Repeat these steps to add prices for additional price levels and currencies.

Inclusive or Exclusive Taxes

This information is specific to NetSuite accounts (except US and Canada) that do not use the Advanced Taxes feature. The item record has a Prices Include Tax box that lets you save the item price as either tax inclusive or tax exclusive.

To save the base price as the tax inclusive price, check this box.

To save the base price as the tax exclusive price, clear this box.

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General Notices