Setting Up Bank Records of Employees in Singapore
Set up the bank account details of each employee to whom you will send electronic bank payments. You can set up multiple bank accounts for each employee.
To set up employee bank details in Singapore:
Go to Lists > Employees > Employees.
For information about adding employees, see Adding an Employee.
Click the Edit link next to the name of the employee.
On the Bank Payment Details subtab, check the EFT Bill Payment box, and click Save.
Click New Bank Details.
Complete the fields on the Bank Details page. The fields displayed are dependent on the selected Payment File Format. The following table lists the common fields displayed, you may disregard those that are not displayed.
Enter a unique name for this entity bank detail record.
EFT Template
Select any of the following Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) payment file formats to use when sending payments to the employee:
DBS Singapore Ideal 3.0 Universal File Format Domestic Transfer
DBS Singapore Ideal 3.0 Universal File Format International Transfer
DBS – IDEAL specifications of DBS Bank Limited
UoB – BIB-IBG specifications of United Overseas Bank Limited
ISO 20022 of HSBC
Citibank Singapore XML Domestic Transfer
Citibank Singapore XML International Transfer
Citibank Singapore XML GIRO
HSBC Singapore pain.001.001.03 Low and High Value Domestic Payments
JP Morgan Singapore pain.001.001.03 Low and High Value Domestic Payments
OCBC Singapore GIRO and FAST Payments
Standard Chartered Bank Singapore iPayment CSV GIRO and Domestic Payments
UOB Singapore pain.001.001.03 GIRO, FAST and Domestic Payments
Note:To use international transfer payment formats, you must have an active license for advanced Electronic Bank Payments and you must install the NetSuite SuiteApps License Client SuiteApp in your account. With active license for advanced Electronic Bank Payments, domestic and cross-border templates are available and you can edit the template as needed. If you use the free version of Electronic Bank Payments, only domestic templates are available and you cannot edit the template, but you can edit the PFA output file.
Select whether the bank account is the employee's primary or secondary bank account.
Account Number/Bank Account Number
Enter the employee’s bank account number.
For DBS Singapore Ideal 3.0 Universal File Format Domestic Transfer -maximum of 34 digits
For DBS Singapore Ideal 3.0 Universal File Format International Transfer -maximum of 34 digits
For DBS – IDEAL – 11 digits
For UoB – BIB-IBG – 11 digits
For HSBC ISO 20022 – 7-12 digits
For Citibank Singapore XML Domestic Transfer -maximum of 34 digits
For Citibank Singapore XML International Transfer -maximum of 34 digits
For Citibank Singapore XML GIRO -maximum of 34 digits
For HSBC Singapore pain.001.001.03 Low and High Value Domestic Payments -maximum of 34 digits
For JP Morgan Singapore pain.001.001.03 Low and High Value Domestic Payments -maximum of 34 digits
For OCBC Singapore GIRO and FAST Payments -maximum of 34 digits
For Standard Chartered Bank Singapore iPayment CSV GIRO and Domestic Payments -maximum of 34 digits
For UOB Singapore pain.001.001.03 GIRO, FAST and Domestic Payments -maximum of 34 digits
For Beneficiaries who are using HSBC, OCBC or State Bank of India Accounts, the 3-Digit Bank Code is added to the Beneficiary Account Number as a prefix.
Account Name/Bank Account Name
Enter the employee's bank account name.
Bank Number/Bank Code
Enter the 4-digit number that identifies the employee's bank.
Branch Number/Branch Code
Enter the 3-digit number that identifies the bank branch where the employee's account is maintained.
Bank Name
Enter the name of the employee’s bank.
Street Name
Enter the street name of the employee’s address.
Building Number
Enter the building number of the employee’s address.
Post Code
Enter the post code of the employee’s address.
Town Name
Enter the town name of the employee’s address.
Country Subdivision
Enter the country subdivision of the employee’s address.
Address Line
Enter any additional details of the employee’s address.
Purpose Code
Enter the Purpose Code that specifies the reason for the payment.
Note:Refer to your bank’s website for the list of Purpose Codes.
Charge Bearer
Select who will pay the charges for processing the payment transaction:
"DEBT" -Debtor will pay all charges
"CRED" -Creditor will pay all charges
"SHAR" -Debtor and Creditor will pay their own charges
Service Level
Enter the bank’s supported electronic fund transfer service type.
Click Save.
You can also set up bank records of vendors, employees, customers and partners by importing bank details in CSV format into NetSuite using the Import Assistant. For more information, see Importing Electronic Bank Payments Data.