Saving Sales Manager Forecasts

Managers can use the Manager Forecast Editor to:

Managers enter override forecast amounts to account for deals that have not yet been entered as transactions. Managers can use the forecast override to adjust the forecast amounts of sales reps based on each rep's previous success at predicting their sales.

When managers override a forecast amount entered by a sales rep, this override amount shows when the sales rep views forecast reports and KPIs.

Override amounts entered for the entire sales team do not show on the reports and KPIs viewed by sales reps.

If you use NetSuite OneWorld, you can save one forecast for a sales manager per subsidiary. For example, if your company has three subsidiaries, a sales manager could save a different forecast for each of these subsidiaries.

If you use the Alternate Sales Amount (ASA) feature, you can track a forecast based on sales amounts and another forecast based on ASA. For more information, see Alternate Sales Amounts.

Any changes made to a sales team's forecast update the forecast amounts on forecast reports. For more information on forecast reports, see Forecast Reports.

To edit the forecast for a sales team:

  1. Go to Forecast > Setup > Edit Sales Rep Forecast.

  2. If you use NetSuite OneWorld, select the subsidiary for this forecast.

    If you select a parent subsidiary, this forecast represents the forecast for this subsidiary and all of its child subsidiaries. You can save only one forecast for a sales team per subsidiary.

  3. Select the manager of the team whose forecast you want to edit and save.

  4. Select the start date of the period you want to view the forecast for.

  5. Check the Alt.Sales box if this is an alternate sales amount (ASA) forecast.

    For more information, see Alternate Sales Amounts.

    The team's quota shows in the Quota field. You can establish team quotas at Forecast > Setup > Establish Quotas.

    The Calculated and Override forecast amounts for the team are shown. The calculated forecast for the team is the sum of the override forecasts of each sales rep.

    If you use the Advanced Forecasting feature, you can see forecast amounts in each forecast category.

  6. You can enter override amounts on this forecast.

    Override amounts appear on forecast reports in addition to the forecast calculated by NetSuite. The calculated forecast appears by default as the Override forecast until you enter an override forecast.

  7. At any time, you can click Restore Calculated to change the Override forecast to match the calculated forecast amount.

    On the Forecasts subtab, the sales reps on this team appear with their override forecast amounts.

    You can enter an override forecast amount for any rep on the team.

    The override amounts you enter update the override amounts for the team.

  8. Click Save.

After you save a manager forecast, your forecast reports show the updated forecast amounts.

You can edit a saved manager forecast. Go to Forecast > Setup > Edit Manager Forecast. Click Edit next to the forecast.

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